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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Bikini Competition Diet - What should I eat a day for bikini prep?


Vegetarian Bikini Competition Diet Components should include high-quality protein from plants, no bread, pasta, or junk foods, low sodium, raw, organic fruits and vegetables, high-protein carbs, such as sweet potatoes, oats, quinoa, nuts, and seeds, and more amino acids, fiber, and Vitamin C

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants



Why are so many bikini competitors switching over to a vegetarian meal plan?


One simple reason. It’s the superior competition diet.


When they follow a plant-based diet, competitors stay leaner all year round and don’t have to cut as much for competition. Not only does this give athletes a competitive edge, but following the practices of vegan bodybuilding and plant-based fitness is a way to become a champion.


A well-planned vegetarian diet is great for competitions and it naturally boosts your energy levels. It also keeps your weight under control and ensures that wild mood swings stay in check.


What are Bikini Competitions?


Unlike regular fitness competitions that involve both athletic and posing routines, female bikini competitions typically consist of a swimsuit (model posing) routine. Unlike bodybuilding competitions, fitness and bikini competitions focus more on overall shape, symmetry, and conditioning instead of muscularity and extreme leanness. This “newer” divisions of bodybuilding gained popularity in the 1980s when interest in traditional female bodybuilding lost momentum.


The top objectives when preparing for a bikini competition include:


·         Improve muscle tone

·         Balance body symmetry


The foods you put into your body play a tremendous role in how you will look on stage and stand up against your competitors. Contrary to popular opinion of steak eating fitness competitors, vegetarians and vegans have an advantage when it comes to competition dieting.


This article will take the guesswork out of the bikini competition diet and break down the many aspects of competition prep to give you a competitive edge.


Want to Become Stage-Ready Faster? A Vegetarian diet can help you lose weight.


Vegetarian bikini competitors naturally stay leaner than their meat-eating friends.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, people who don’t eat meat have a lower average BMI than those who do.


The study also pointed out that vegans have a much lower obesity rate (9.4 percent) compared to meat-eaters (33.3 percent). Another study found that people can lose more weight when they follow a vegetarian diet instead of one that includes meat.


“This is the first randomized study that directly compares how vegan, vegetarian, and omnivorous dietary patterns that do not emphasize caloric restriction can impact body weight,” said lead researcher Brie Turner-McGrievy, Ph.D. of the University of South Carolina. “We found that participants consuming vegan and vegetarian diets lost an average of 8.2 to 9.9 pounds over eight weeks, while those consuming some meat lost 5.1 lbs.”


Plant-based diets can also aid digestion, which is crucial for bikini competitors making dietary changes.


“Clean eating” is defined by the rejection of processed, chemically-enhanced foods in favor of whole, natural ones. Every adult who cares about her health should pay attention to what she eats, but bikini competitors need to pay even closer attention. 


Natural, unprocessed foods are the #1 staple of healthy plant-based diets, which means that sticking to clean eating is easier.


A diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables is naturally rich in nutrients, including fiber. Fiber helps you feel full longer and promotes regular bowel movements.


Interestingly, healthy fats, like those found in vegetarian foods, help keep hormones regulated. 


Hormones play a role in hunger and weight control, and hormone balance is essential for women fitness competitors. Good sources of plant-based healthy fats include organic coconut oil, hemp oil, and borage oil.


So many meatless foods like beans, grains, nuts, and seeds contain protein, making it easy for you to meet your daily protein requirements on a plant-based diet.


Too many vegetables leaving you feeling funny? You can reduce bloating and gas on a vegetarian diet, cook cruciferous vegetables instead of eating them raw. You can also make broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts easier to digest by mixing them up in a blender or food processor.


Meat-free diets have been proven to boost mental health.


As any bikini competitor knows, getting mentally prepared is half the battle. Preparing for a competition takes its toll, and vegetarian diets can restore an overall sense of wellbeing. Research studies published in Nutrition Journal and Public Health Nutrition have revealed that vegetarians exhibit significantly better mood states and experience fewer negative emotions than omnivores.


Linda Dame MEd, MSW RSW shared that cutting animal products out of your diet can reduce pain and anxiety, paving the way for more peace and joy. Successful bikini competitors must remain confident, motivated, and passionate, and vegetarian foods can help give you a mental boost when you need it most.


Vegan Bikini Competition Diet Risks


Bikini competitors strive to look fit, not ripped. Competitors are scored on their proportions, symmetry, shape, balance, skin tone, and stage presence. But there is a clear distinction between appearing fit and being fit. In fact, most fitness models and competitors aren’t at peak health when they compete.


According to professional bodybuilder Lee Apperson, getting lean is an art form, and starving yourself is the worst idea possible. Even so, vegan bikini competitors frequently engage in workouts that are too intense for the number of calories they consume.


The final days before show time tend to be the unhealthiest ones. After many competitors reach their “peak” (i.e. target weight and desired shape), they find it difficult to maintain it for more than a few days.


Some vegan bikini competitors are willing to take dangerous health risks to enhance their aesthetics.


Furthermore, the techniques and dietary manipulations typically required to “peak” are unnatural, unrealistic, and unsustainable in the long run.


Risks of Extreme Dieting and Training


·         Unwanted loss of muscle mass

·         Mental burnout and frustration

·         Sprains, strains, and injury


Nutritional Deficiency


Although plant-based diets have many advantages, vegan bikini competitors should be especially careful of certain nutritional deficiencies.


Most Common Vegan Deficiencies:


·         Calories

·         Iron

·         Iodine

·         Omega-3 Fatty Acids

·         Vitamin B12

·         Vitamin D

·         Calcium

·         Zinc


Looking to Peak in a Healthy Way? Pace Yourself


Professional natural bodybuilder Layne Norton recommends losing 1 to 1.5 pounds of weight per week to retain your competition-level muscle mass.


If you have 20 or 25 pounds to lose, you probably won’t be able to lose it all in 12 weeks and still retain your lean muscle mass. Start dieting as early as possible before your competition so that you can move at a safe and efficient pace.


How Vegetarianism Can Improve Aesthetics for Competitions


Aesthetics are a key reason that many people turn to vegetarianism in the first place, and that extends beyond personal sensitivities and respect for all life. We also have a greater appreciation of beauty, nature, and art in the foods we eat and how our bodies look and perform.


What Do These Healthy Internal Benefits Mean for External Aesthetics?


Vegetarian diets revolve around raw fruits and vegetables, whole grain carbohydrates, and natural sources of protein. Coincidentally, these are also the types of foods used to get your body ready for competition. This means that competitors who already maintain a vegetarian diet typically have less weight (body fat) to lose than their meat-eating counterparts.


Vegetarian bodybuilders also naturally have lower body mass indexes, blood pressure, and levels of cholesterol, as well as less risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, dementia, and Type-2 diabetes.


IFBB Bikini Pro Marzia Prince is one of many vegan bodybuilders who has spoken publicly about how much better she looks and feels since going vegan. Vegetarian and vegan competitors tend to pay more consistent attention to the nutrients in their diets to make sure they are consuming what their bodies need throughout the year.


Boosting Your Metabolism


Almost all bikini competitors need to shed a few pounds in certain places, and your metabolism plays a key role in making this happen. Metabolism is affected by genetics and your lifestyle habits, but there are many natural ways to speed it up.


Spicy foods are known to boost metabolism, and a study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism revealed that natural chemicals called capsinoids increase the amount of heat and energy that you produce and promote physical activity.


These are a few vegetarian metabolism-boosting foods I recommend (get “organic” whenever you can):


·         Chili peppers (great source of capsinoids)

·         Kale, spinach, and other leafy greens

·         Hemp protein

·         Chia seeds

·         Lemon

·         Water (A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that metabolism rates jumped 30 percent after drinking two cups of water.)


Other general tips to keep your metabolism working at its peak all day long include getting seven to eight hours of sleep per night, sleeping in a cool room (66 degrees Fahrenheit), drinking tea, and reducing stress.


Vegetarian Bikini Competition Diet Components:


·         High-quality protein from plants

·         No bread, pasta, or junk foods

·         Low sodium

·         Raw, organic fruits and vegetables

·         High-protein carbs, such as sweet potatoes, oats, quinoa, nuts, and seeds

·         More amino acids, fiber, and Vitamin C


Meal Plan Structure


Most competitors swear by the concept of six to seven small meals per day, but how and when you eat those meals makes a big difference in how your body processes food.

Space out each meal about three hours apart, and eat the last one at least an hour or two before bed. Multi-sourced vegan protein shakes should also be an important part of your daily meal routine.


Make sure that your breakfast contains a small serving of protein, a serving of vegetables, and a serving of complex carbohydrates. Your lunch should consist of a medium serving of protein and two to three servings of vegetables. Dinner should have a generous serving of protein, two to three servings of vegetables and a serving of fat.


You can structure your meals around these “big three” and work smaller meals in around them. For example, if you have a caloric goal of 1,800 calories per day, try sticking to 300 calories per meal and assess your energy levels throughout the day.


One you figure out your target number of calories per day, keep a food journal to document your meals and make changes to your plan based on what’s working and what isn’t.

The bikini competitor meal plan and prep saves your sanity … and money.


Marzia Prince (2007 Ms. Bikini Universe, IFBB Bikini Pro) feels more in control by eating plant-based:


“I used to be on a strict competition diet but now being vegan, I eat organic plant-based foods and don’t feel like I am on a diet. I listen to my body. I am more in tune with my body now, than I have ever been.

“Gone are the days of fad diets, ‘competition diets’, and being lost on how to eat. I feel like I have taken back control of my body. Aha! So this is what they say mean when they say lifestyle!”


Darlene Adamusik (fitness competitor) talks about how vegan meal prep saves her time and money:


“Before I became a vegan competitor, buying meat, eggs, and fish was getting too pricey. Not only was it expensive, but my digestion was also getting worse. Since going vegan, my digestion has improved, I’ve saved money, and cooking has become optional.

“I enjoy the fact that you can throw food together without having to cook it, and it’s been truly helpful with my digestive issues. It can also help with weight loss, but this is true only if done correctly. You must be careful with balancing how to meal prep vegan the same way you would balance a diet that included meat.”


 When to Start Your Bikini Competition Diet


Planning and preparing meals can feel like a big hassle, especially if you’re new to the world of competition prep. It’s easy to make excuses about not knowing what to buy, not having enough time to shop, or that healthy food is just too expensive. However, the best way to get the results you crave is to plan ahead.


Most fitness professionals recommend starting your show prep diet and supplement schedule at least 12 to 14 weeks before the competition. In most circumstances, muscle needs to be gained, fat needs to be lost, and your metabolism needs to be adjusted. To increase your chances of success, plan to start your new diet at least three to five months in advance of your competition date.


To start, take the time to schedule grocery shopping into your day. Stick to your list, and buy nothing more and nothing less. Choose a convenient day of the week to prepare several meals worth of vegetables and protein in advance, and organize your Tupperware containers in the refrigerator so they’re easy to grab in a hurry.


Sample Vegetarian Bikini Competition Meal Plan


Meal 1


·         Protein shake with chia seeds, almond milk, and cocoa

·         Quinoa porridge with strawberries

·         Fresh or cold pressed green veggie juice


Meal 2


·         Protein shake with almond milk

·         1 tbsp. of almond butter, plain (no salt added)

·         1 grapefruit


Meal 3


·         Kale or spinach salad with balsamic vinegar

·         1 cup of lentil soup

·         4-6 oz. sweet potato


Meal 4


·         Protein shake with chia seeds, almond milk, and banana

·         1 tbsp. of almond butter

·         1 apple


Meal 5


Veggie burger with 1/4 of an avocado

Spinach salad with balsamic vinegar


Meal 6


·         Protein shake with chia seeds, almond milk, and banana

·         1 tbsp. of almond butter


Vegan Diet Plan for Bodybuilding


Meal 1


·         Vegan protein shake

·         Handful almonds


Meal 2


·         Chia seed pudding (or oatmeal)

·         Collard green wraps with hummus

·         1 grapefruit


Meal 3


·         Veggie burger with 1/2 avocado

·         Kale and spinach salad


Meal 4


·         Bowl of lentil, bean, or vegetable soup

·         1 apple


Meal 5


·         Almond butter sandwich with Ezekiel bread


Meal 6


·         Vegan protein shake

·         2 tbsp. natural peanut butter with celery


Easy Plant-Based Alternatives


It’s important to switch up your eating routine to avoid boredom and resist the temptation to binge on old favorites that don’t fit your current lifestyle. Here are some other great vegetarian foods to swap into this meal plan to add some variety:




·         Tempeh

·         Seitan

·         Hemp seeds




·         Oatmeal

·         Brown rice

·         Sweet potatoes



·         Blueberries

·         Apples

·         Grapefruit




·         Broccoli

·         Spinach

·         Green beans

·         Asparagus




·         Cashew butter

·         Flaxseed oil, flaxseed meal, or flaxseeds

·         Olive oil


Food Cravings


Research has shown that dieting can increase food cravings. Kristin Shaffer from Figure and Bikini offers a few helpful tips on preventing the type of sugar cravings that set competitors off course:


·         Stick to small meals throughout the day

·         Chew slowly

·         Avoid foods that spike your insulin, like bread, crackers, and cookies

·         Swap out sugars with high-fiber vegetables like cucumbers, peppers, and zucchini

·         Incorporate a weekly cheat meal into the early stages of your training


Cheat Meals


Giving up the foods you love can be hard, which is why many competitors allow themselves an occasional chance to cheat. As a general rule, bikini competitors can choose one meal per week to be a cheat meal in the early days of training for a competition. Some trainers promote the occasional cheat meal as a healthy balance to stabilize blood sugar levels.


These are some other reasons to plan cheat meals into your meal plan structure:


·         Motivation to stick to your competition meals

·         Curb cravings

·         Metabolic boost

·         Provide extra energy to the body


These are a few tips about cheat meals from Tad Inoue, a professional competitive fitness diet coach:


·         Cheat at the end of your day

·         Don’t skip any other meals

·         Make your cheat carbohydrate-rich

·         Don’t let your cheat meal last more than 45 minutes


Craig Ballantyne shared a few of his vegetarian cheat meal favorites at Men’s Health:


·         Tofu

·         Brown rice

·         Fettuccine Alfredo

·         Chocolate brownies

·         Wine


Cheat meals are great for morale, but there are certain rules you should remember if you’re serious about competing. To aggressively lose fat, you’ll need to strategically schedule your cheat meals and cut them off entirely when you’re two to three weeks away from your competition.


Keep in mind that cheat meals need to be carefully controlled. Excessive and ill-timed cheat meals don’t just take a toll on your physique, they can affect you mentally, too.


Dieters often report feelings of shame, guilt, and self-hate after cheat meals – all emotions that have no place in competition prep. Cheat meals can also make it more difficult to resist cravings and transition back into a training diet. Carefully assess your cravings, habits, and motivation before deciding on a cheat meal structure that works for you.


Mental Preparation for a Competition Diet


Competing doesn’t just occupy your time; it impacts your daily habits and routine. Since our routines are shared with the friends and family we care about, and competitors often feel a strain on their personal relationships during training.


Taylor Chapman, ACE-certified personal trainer, and bikini competitor shared, “I hated that I had no life for three months. I lived in the gym and out of Tupperware containers. You miss out on a lot of outings and events while competing because it can be very tempting to go out with your friends and not partake in eating or drinking. But in the end, it’s worth it when you reach your goals.”


Bikini Competition Prep Tips


In the world of competition fitness, there’s always a competitive season (with sometimes up to 16 weeks of prep time) and an off-season to bulk up, add mass, and enjoy a wider variety of foods. Pre-competition diets are designed to cut body fat and focus on eating clean foods.


For the best results, you can follow these tips.


·         Eat every three hours to increase your metabolic rate.

·         Decrease carbs without cutting calories.

·         Do aerobic workouts twice daily to burn stubborn fat.

·         Do cardio before eating carbs but after eating protein.

·         Swap out potatoes and rice for more vegetables.

·         Continue to drink plenty of water.

·         Avoid processed food stripped of nutrients.


According to nutritionist Felicia Stoler, “By carefully choosing complementary protein sources and monitoring overall intake, vegan athletes can consume adequate amounts of protein to fuel their performance.”

Dr. David Neiman, director of the human performance lab at the North Carolina Research Campus of Appalachian State University, told Ace Fitness Magazine, “The vegan diet is high in carbohydrates and low in fats, so it will naturally support endurance performance. People feel that the plant-based nature of the diet will magically help performance, but it’s the carbs that do it.”

However, the key to success for a bodybuilding or bikini competitor is to minimize the transformation your body must go through from one season to the next.


A vegetarian diet can help bring stability to your diet so that it suffers less of a shock when you kick it into full performance mode. All of this translates into a more aesthetically pleasing body, a healthier year-round lifestyle, and a more competitive fitness career.


Thinking of competing and want meal prep advice as a vegetarian?


For more ideas on bikini competition diet, watch this video - Bikini Competitiors MEAL PREP- How I meal prep! Bikini Prep Diaries


Check out our vegetarian bodybuilding program to learn exactly how to build lean muscle and tone up by eating plants. Many competitors have used the protein-rich recipes and meal plans for both vegetarian and vegan diets with great success. It’s a strong approach guaranteed to give you an edge for your next bikini competition.


Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Vegan Bodybuilding Diet


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Vegan Bodybuilding Diet - The Ultimate Vegan Diet Plan for Bodybuilding and Athletic Performance


Starting a vegan bodybuilding routine isn’t as tricky as you might expect. The good news is that the core bodybuilding diet guidelines are the same for vegan and omnivores alike. In fact, the only difference is that all of the protein sources in a vegan diet are non-meat, non-dairy, and are free from animal by-products. Listed in this article are ten tips for following a healthy, highly effective vegan bodybuilding diet.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

Vegan bodybuilding and plant-based fitness are becoming more popular every day.


Contrary to the outdated paradigm of traditional bodybuilding, going meat-free doesn’t mean you can’t build muscle or achieve your fitness goals. Instead, science is showing that eating a plant-based diet might be one of the best ways to reach them faster.


Although the mainstream fitness community seems to believe that bodybuilders must consume copious amounts of “superior” animal protein to bulk up, countless vegan bodybuilders have developed strong, sexy physiques while eating only plant-based foods.


If you’re a looking to build more lean muscle by way of a vegan bodybuilding diet, this article is the resource you need to get started.


Why Simply Cutting Out Meat Isn’t Enough


For the vegan novice, it’s easy to think that all it takes to gain the abs of your dreams is to cut out eggs and cheese in favor of cherished snack foods instead. However, this style of diet is more like to add on flab than fabulous muscle tone. To bulk up with veganism, you’ll need to follow a healthy, whole foods diet that gives your body exactly what it needs to thrive.


Crafting a vegan bodybuilding diet that works for you isn’t rocket science, but it does take some basic knowledge, motivation, and attention to detail. In this article, I will demystify the vegan bodybuilding meal plan and bikini competition diet and break it down into its most essential elements. Beyond the myths and the hype, here’s what bodybuilders should know about building muscle the vegan way.



Vegan Bodybuilding Diet - Guidelines for Vegan Bodybuilding Nutrition


Starting a vegan bodybuilding routine isn’t as tricky as you might expect. The good news is that the core bodybuilding diet guidelines are the same for vegan and omnivores alike. In fact, the only difference is that all of the protein sources in a vegan diet are non-meat, non-dairy, and are free from animal by-products.


Below are ten tips for following a healthy, highly effective vegan bodybuilding diet.


1.      Get Sufficient Calories


When using a vegan bodybuilding diet, getting enough calories is critical.


An average plant-based vegan diet has a much lower calorie content than a conventional diet, meaning vegans should closely monitor their levels. If you don’t consume enough calories, your body can shift into a catabolic state, meaning it devours itself for energy. The larger the calorie deficit, the more your body will fuel itself on existing muscle tissue instead. In other words, without consuming enough calories your hard-earned muscle mass will slowly waste away.


For peak form, bodybuilders should strive for 15 to 20 calories per pound of bodyweight, and then adjust that number based on noticeable gains or losses at the gym.


2.      Keep Your Protein Levels High


Of the three macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) the one that seems to matter most to bodybuilders is protein. This sometimes leads to stress for vegan athletes. Will your diet provide enough protein to keep you bulking up? The answer is yes, so long as you track your levels.


Any fitness dietary plan needs to contain a full menu of proteins from a variety of sources. For instance, experienced vegan bodybuilders can combine multiple protein powders derived from hemp, brown rice, and peas to form complete proteins.


There are plenty of ways to get the protein you need on a vegan diet. Dozens of delicious options for vegan protein sources abound, many of which are complete proteins. Examples include peanut butter sandwiches on Ezekiel bread, quinoa, hummus, and chia.


Tempeh is one of the most overlooked sources of vegan protein, but once you try it a few times, you may prefer it over tofu. Chickpeas and other legumes can provide a filling, low-fat source of protein and carbohydrates.


Need Meals on the Go? Turn Towards Vegan Protein Powders!


Let’s be real. Eating a vegan diet is not always convenient, especially when traveling or dining out. And even when you have the good fortune of finding a vegan meal, it’s usually not as high as necessary in vegetarian proteins.


Even so, there’s no real reason to stress about finding convenient protein. With the explosion of vegan protein powder options today, it’s easier than ever to have access to on-the-go protein!


Consuming two to three protein shakes a day will dramatically boost your protein intake, without excessive carbs. This is what helped me dial in my macros and turned my muscle building game around.


Best of all, protein powders are cost effective. Look for powders that are sourced with multiple proteins to better ensure the spectrum of amino acids needed for muscle growth.


3.      Keep Omega 3 Levels High with Flax Seed Powder


Bodybuilders and athletes know that getting enough omega-3s is critical.


Consuming a lot of plants can get us close to the amount of omega-3s a vegan athlete needs, but supplementing for good measure is a good idea.


For this reason, ground flax is the perfect omega 3 source for your diet. It has a fantastic fiber profile and can be easier on the digestive system than flax seed oil. To experience the best results, you can take ground when you wake up, after training, and before bed.


4.      Take Vegan BCAA


Vegan BCAA can help protect your muscles from the catabolic effects of a low-calorie diet and can help you gain mass. According to a 2010 study published in Med Science Sports Exercise, BCAA reduces muscle soreness after intense training.


What Is BCAA?


The branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. They are considered essential amino acids because human beings cannot survive unless these are present in a daily diet.


For the bodybuilding benefits, try taking five to 10 grams of BCAA with breakfast, five to 10 grams immediately before and after training and five to 10 grams before bed.


Food Sources of Vegan BCAA


Most amino acids come from meat protein sources, and generally speaking, getting enough aminos and protein is one of the more challenging aspects to bodybuilding as a vegetarian.


Here is a quick list of how to get BCAA from protein-rich vegan food sources:


·         Leucine: soybeans and lentils

·         Isoleucine: almonds, cashews, and chickpeas

·         Valine: peanuts, sesame seeds, and lentils


5. Stay Away from Spirulina for B12


One of the biggest misconceptions in vegan bodybuilding circles is that spirulina contains significant B12. While this is true in a way, it’s not useful to us.


(Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) that can be consumed by humans and animals. It is used as a dietary supplement for human consumption and also as a feed supplement in the aquacultureaquarium, and poultry industries)


It turns out that spirulina and tempeh contain mostly analogs of B12. Herbert [1988] reports that tests on tempeh, a fermented soy product, and spirulina revealed that they contained almost no true B12.


The problem here that this claim has been supported by lab tests for B12 based on the USP (U.S. Pharmacopeia) assay methods. Unfortunately, as explained in Herbert et al. [1984] and Herbert [1988], the USP assay method for B12 is unreliable.


The presence of analogs, rather than true B12, makes them unreliable sources for B12.


6.      Consume Nuts for Fuel


It’s always a smart idea to add these power-packed snacks to your arsenal. Consuming nuts (and nut butter) provides a long-lasting form of energy. They’re also a much-needed source of healthy fat.


Because of how convenient they are to eat, nuts are also a great way to quickly boost your calorie intake. I carry a bag of lightly salted almonds in my backpack at all times.


7.      Swap Rice for Quinoa


Rice is a staple of the vegan bodybuilding diet, so an effective method for boost your protein and nutritional intake is to simply swap rice for quinoa.


Quinoa has higher quality protein and is a complete source of protein, whereas brown rice is not. Quinoa is gluten-free and contains calcium, B-vitamins, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin E, and fiber.


Even better, quinoa tastes (and feels) similar to brown rice and should leave your taste buds just as satisfied.


8.      Choose Healthy Drinks


There’s no reason to fill your body with unnecessary calories from sugary drinks. I keep things simple with coffee, tea, water, and protein shakes and drink roughly 2.0 to 2.5 liters of fluids each day. One way I gauge if I’m drinking enough fluid is that I make sure that my urine is pale yellow to clear.


If you are getting ready for a bodybuilding, bikini competition or photo shoot, your fluid needs should go up quite a bit and based on what your trainer suggests.


9.  Utilize Vegan Bodybuilding Supplements


No conversation about a bodybuilding diet would be complete without talking about supplements. Nutritional supplements have become practically a requirement for competitive bodybuilders these days, and the industry has shown few signs of trending away from them.


Rice protein and hemp protein are excellent sources of vegan protein that can easily replace whey and other animal-sourced products in shakes. But ultimately, the best vegan protein powder is made with multiple proteins to ensure the spectrum of amino acids needed to build muscle.


Garden of Life, Vega, and PlantFusion produce some excellent protein blends that skip the meat and go straight for the muscle.


10. Address Deficiencies Before They Become Damaging


When using a vegan bodybuilding diet, getting sufficient nutrients is critical.

It’s a good idea to vary the foods in your diet, as this will help prevent nutrient deficiencies.


This goes without saying for any bodybuilder. Also, keeping lots of variety in your diet makes eating more enjoyable.


Pay special attention to these common vegan deficiencies:


·         Protein

·         Calories

·         Iron

·         Iodine

·         Omega-3 Fatty Acids

·         Vitamin B12

·         Vitamin D

·         Calcium

·         Zinc


If you’re feeling that your body is low on one or more of these nutrients, make sure to start taking a nutritional supplement that will get you back on track.


Vegan Bodybuilding Diet - Vegan Diet Plan Tips


Beyond the kinds of food you eat, the amount, timing, and way you eat it will make a difference in how fast you hit your bodybuilding goals. Below are some tips for getting the most out of your food so that you can put it to work for you.


1.      Eat Directly Before and After Workouts


Many vegan bodybuilders focus on main meals and don’t pay much attention to the snacks in between them. This is a mistake. Snacks are immediate sources of energy for your workouts and your recovery, and the snacks you choose at specific times make a huge difference in your performance and how you feel later on.


The best pre- and post-workout snacks are a healthy mix of protein and carbs. Light carbs like bananas, dates, and apples are great before your workout. When you’re done at the gym, enjoy a pick me up of carrots with hummus or protein shakes with vegan protein powder.


2. Monitor Your Body Weight and Body Fat


Since most vegans are concerned with lean muscle mass and not losing it, be sure take effective measurements.


This means you should be regularly measuring your body fat levels and comparing it to overall body weight in order to achieve a more accurate assessment of your progress in the gym than stepping on the scale alone.


3.      Keep a Food Journal


The key to your success in adopting a vegan bodybuilding diet is not necessarily food intake – it’s about having an accurate awareness of what you eat. Human memory alone is not a reliable source for this kind of awareness. Instead, you need to take meticulous notes in a food journal.

To keep a proper food journal, you need to write down every sip of water and every crumb of food you consume throughout the day. Anything less is wasting your time. While it may seem like a pain at first, the process becomes effortless after a few days.


As a beginning vegan bodybuilder, you’re flying blind in a storm without this information. It’s simply too easy otherwise to have a misleading impression of what you’re actually eating and what’s actually working.


Sample Vegan Bodybuilding Meal Plan


Ideally, a vegan bodybuilding diet plan consists of 5-6 smaller meals. This gives your body a timely and consistent supply of nutrients for muscle repair and growth. It also keeps blood sugar levels more balanced.


Here are two days of sample meal plans to get you started for the week. Each one is packed with power and 100% vegan.


Meal Plan Day 1


·         Breakfast

Vegan protein shake, banana, 2 tablespoons of natural almond butter


·         Mid-morning

Bowl of lentil soup, cucumber salad with cherry tomatoes and avocado, 1 baked sweet potato


·         Lunch

Veggie burger, kale salad with handful of pumpkin seeds, apple


·         Post-Workout

Edamame & quinoa wrap with sweet ginger dressing, banana, vegan protein shake


·         Dinner

Veggie chili


·         Before bed

Vegan protein shake, 1 tablespoon of natural almond butter


Meal Plan Day 2


·         Breakfast

Bowl of steel-cut oatmeal, vegan protein shake


·         Mid-morning

Apple, handful of grapes, handful of strawberries, 1 cucumber


·         Lunch

Large salad with mixed greens

Mixed beans with artichokes and sprouts

Vegan protein shake


·         Post-Workout

Celery sticks with natural almond butter


·         Dinner

Veggie burrito with quinoa, beans, and avocado

Small side salad with mixed greens


·         Before bed

Vegan protein shake, mixed nuts


Tying It All Together


No matter which foods you settle on for your daily meals, it’s important to make sure that you’re getting plenty of variety to supply your body with a full array of muscle-building nutrients and protein sources.


With these meal plan recommendations and diet plan tips in mind, you should be more than equipped to start planning your healthy vegan meals. The overwhelming health and fitness benefits of a plant-based diet are undeniable, so now is the time to give vegan bodybuilding everything you’ve got!


For more ideas about vegan bodybuilding diet, watch this video - VEGAN MEAL PREP FOR MUSCLE | EASY HIGH PROTEIN MEALS


Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Vegan Bodybuilding Diet

How to Avoid Shoulder Pain at Night


What I'm about to share with you applies to anyone with shoulder pain who's struggling to get a good night's sleep. Here's some tips for you to sleep easily and avoid shoulder pain at night, even if your shoulder is killing you.

Click HERE to Learn the Simple Techniques You Can Use to Eliminate Shoulder Pain for Good

Shoulder pain is a pain in the... shoulder, especially at night. There's nothing worse than not being able to get comfortable in your own bed, tossing and turning throughout the night, stretching your arm out, contorting yourself into weird positions to try and find something that brings relief...


Eventually you'll probably fall asleep despite the pain in your shoulder. At least that's what happened to me when I suffered from shoulder pain. I hurt my shoulder in the gym, but I did get over it. What I'm about to share with you applies to anyone with shoulder pain who's struggling to get a good night's sleep. Here's some tips for sleeping easily, even if your shoulder is killing you.


1. Do a few stretches before bed. Lean over from the waist and swing your hand in little circles. Do it one way, then the other. After that, stretch your arm up, down and from side to side. Hold each stretch for 20 seconds or so, and stretch only so you feel a gently pull - not so much that it hurts!


2. Ice your shoulder before bed, after the stretches. Wrap ice in a small towel or t-shirt, and massage it over the painful area for 15 minutes. Don't apply ice directly to the skin or you could get freeze burns. Ice helps to calm swelling and numb pain, to help you get to sleep quickly before the irritating sting of the shoulder pain sets in and keeps you awake.


Shoulder pain can be completely defeated in the long term too, through a combination of these techniques and a few simple strengthening exercises to stimulate the healing process and target the source of your shoulder pain, eliminating it completely. I spent a few weeks doing exactly that, and my shoulder healed perfectly.


Most people will go to the doctor who will recommend them rest and anti-inflammatory drugs, or to a physiotherapist who will charge as much as $100 per hour for treatment, but you can learn these physio techniques yourself and do them yourself at home.


I wrote a book about my experiences beating shoulder pain, and documented everything I learned about treating the pain with the special stretches and exercises I'd uncovered during my research.


For more ideas to avoid shoulder pain at night, watch this video - Best Sleeping Position for Shoulder, Arm, & Wrist Pain- also Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Click here to get that book and use the same techniques to avoid shoulder pain at night today.


Author Bio:


Joe Brent is a former chronic should pain sufferer. He beat his shoulder pain for good without surgery and completely rehabilitated himself from the comfort of his own home.


When Joe injured his shoulder from a combination of working out incorrectly and bad posture, he spent hours every day digging through medical and sports literature, talking to medical experts, professional athletes and anyone he could find that had any experience of shoulder and rotator cuff injuries.  He realized that it was possible to skip the surgery and the physical therapy appointments and do all the stretches and exercises on his own.


In just a few weeks, Joe was able to heal his own shoulder pain.  He wanted to share his successful experiences with others and show them how to quickly rehab their shoulder injuries and that’s how he came up with his shoulder pain relief guide called Shoulder Pain No More.

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