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Thursday, February 14, 2019

What is the Best Way to Cure Sleep Disorders?

Cure Sleep Disorders - Tips to Fall Back Asleep in 10 Minutes - Do you frequently wake up in the night just to realize that going back to sleep is easier said than done? Don’t worry, because today we’re going to share with you a few simple things you can do to get back to sleeping like a baby in ten minutes or less!

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Well Tonight

Cure Sleep Disorders - Tips to Fall Back Asleep In 10 Minutes

Do you frequently wake up in the night just to realize that going back to sleep is easier said than done?

Don’t worry, because today we’re going to share with you a few simple things you can do to get back to sleeping like a baby in ten minutes or less!

Don’t switch on any lights. The brain is trained to interpret any source of light as sunlight and get alert. If ever you need to get some water or take a trip to the bathroom, switch on a dim light. The brighter the light and longer the exposure, the lesser are the chances of getting back to sleep.

You might remember well how in the school days you had a tough time fighting off sleep when you had to read for an exam! Use the same technique – read a book or magazine, if possible something that’s not very interesting, to help tire the eyes. Make sure that you use only a small reading light. Don’t use this time to read thrillers that might actually wake you up properly.

Give your brain some mental exercise. Try to think of your favorite sport or game and visualize playing it. The chances are that it’ll lull you to sleep. Don’t use your mobile phones, television or other electronic devices, because they might end up waking you instead.

Remain lying on the bed in whichever position is comfortable for you. If you stand, walk or sit for an extended period of time, you’ll have a difficult time getting back to sleep. Tossing and turning also doesn’t help – so just lie down still!

As the saying goes, ‘Relaxing your body, relaxes your mind’. Learn to relax your muscles slowly and progressively to encourage sleep. Take long, deep breaths and consciously relax muscles across the body until you feel calm and relaxed.

Don’t indulge in a midnight snack in the hope that it might help you get some sleep. In fact, this can be a problem in the long run. The brain can get conditioned to expect a snack at that time of the night and in turn reinforce your biological system to wake up at that time.

Last but not the least; don’t make up for the lost minutes of sleep by oversleeping in the morning. This can also condition the brain to remain awake at the same time, every night.

Here is the most powerful method I know to fall asleep in 24 minutes or doze off again if you wake up in the night…

Cure Sleep Disorders - Your Computer Helps You Treat Insomnia

We live in a world of technology, surrounded by all kind of devices like computers, televisions, laptops, iPads, smartphones, tablets…the list is endless!

Studies have revealed that these electronic gadgets often disrupt our natural sleep rhythms and the ability to fall asleep naturally, resulting in sleepless nights and restlessness throughout the day.

However, a small study conducted by a group of Canadian researchers shows that electronic gadgets can actually help you sleep better! Confused? Read on!

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a well-known, effective treatment option for sleeplessness. In this treatment method, trained therapists counsel people on the different methods of achieving better and more restful sleep.

These sessions also educate people about insomnia, various relaxation techniques to help achieve sleep, the ways to ignore disturbances in the surroundings and good sleeping habits.

However, not everyone has easy access to the clinics where this kind of therapy is usually available and that is rather unfortunate.

For instance, people who live in remote areas of a country and those who don’t have enough time to attend these sessions, miss the opportunity to learn about healthy sleep habits.

These issues motivated the Canadian researchers in University of Manitoba to come up with a simple yet brilliant idea of delivering CBT through video conference or as an internet-based program called ‘Tele-health’.

The Canadian researchers have developed two convenient modes to deliver CBT therapy – an Internet based program or a videoconference (also known as Tele-health) at their nearest clinics. Participants were randomly assigned to receive the therapy based on one of these two modes.

Six CBT sessions were held during a period of six weeks and the results were compiled. It was identified that 62 percent of participants who received CBT via web-based program and 55 percent who received it through the group video conference no longer suffered from insomnia.

The researchers conclude that CBT can be effectively implemented through alternative technology-based methods like video conferencing and internet programs. The study proves that face to face therapy is not the only way to treat insomnia and restlessness.

Popping a pill to deal with insomnia is not the best option. Needless to mention, it is also definitely not the healthiest way to deal with sleeplessness.

The good news is that there is an even easier way to fall asleep. It is even better than searching for online CBT programs or taking part in a video conference.

Cure Sleep Disorders - How Sleeplessness Causes Severe Depression

More and more research is emerging directly tying insomnia and sleep disturbances to depression and other mental illnesses

Today, we will look at the real reason sleeplessness causes depression and what you can do to beat back the effects, which is especially important this time of year.

In many countries, the actual number of hours of sunlight can diminish so much in the winter months that residents have to gather around alternate light sources and increase their intake of vitamin D in supplement form.

This isn’t just so the body can stave off the ravages of osteoporosis- it’s a critical step in keeping the body happy in all of its systems.  Trouble in one will always lead to trouble in another.

Specifically, lack of sleep- chronically- will almost surely lead to depression, as evidenced by an already large but still growing body of scientific evidence.

People need sleep.  It’s critical in so many functions throughout the body because a LOT happens when we are in this stage of unconsciousness.  Chemicals are produced that heal muscle tissues, others are released that bathe the brain in healing neurotransmitters only released in sleep.  The list goes on and on.

One of the chemical dances that occurs in the wake and sleep cycle is the production of serotonin and melatonin.  Serotonin is the “happy” chemical that binds to the receptors in our brain to tell us all is well.  This is built up in the body in two ways- through sleep, and through exposure to sunlight.

When we wake up at the start of our day, (whether you are a daytime waker or night time worker due to work schedules) we start using up the serotonin we accrued during the sleep cycle before waking.  It keeps us going; helps us think clearly.

As the day progresses and we metabolize serotonin, it breaks down into its sister chemical, melatonin.  This is the chemical that tells us we are sleepy and to close our eyes.  It gets us to sleep and keeps us there through the first couple of stages of sleep. After that, the deeper stages take over and the real restoration of the body takes place.

If there is a deficit in either of these chemicals, we’re going to pay the price.  Not enough melatonin will cause sleep to be difficult to find and keep- leading to a reduced amount of serotonin produced.  Serotonin is critical in keeping the clouds of depression away.

Diminished levels of serotonin make the availability of melatonin drop off, thus perpetuating the cycle.

If you are already in the throes of chronic sleep deprivation, there is hope, and it doesn’t have to involve anti-depressants or sleep aids.  Get your sleep cycle back on track and you won’t need either of those in the first place.

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Cure Sleep Disorders Fast?

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

What is the Best Way to Increase Sleep Time?

Increase Sleep Time - This ONE Healthy Drink Helps You Sleep through the Night - Sleep is important to you. It’s refreshing when you get enough of it. It keeps you going throughout the day. The problem: you’ve been having sleepless nights. Nights when counting sheep just didn’t cut it. Bad for health. Bad for keeping you from yelling at your boss out of frustration from lack of sleep. But there’s a tasty drink that can change all that.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Well Tonight

Increase Sleep Time - Are You Risking Your Life by NOT Indulging in This Pleasant Activity?

Why you need this activity in your life: it’ll help you fight off just about anything. High blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes. You name it.
And hey, it’s also a pretty pleasant thing to do.

It’s something you’ll probably look forward to. Seriously.

Why you need this link: it’ll help you find out what this rather enjoyable activity is, and what it can do to boost your health. So click here, and drop a comment or two, as well, since we’d all love to hear your thoughts.

Statistical analysis reveals some disturbing news about the sleep habits of the current generation. While human adults need 8 hours of sleep, Americans, on an average, get only 6.5 hours of sleep. In UK, 6 out of 10 people have reported that they sleep for less than 7 hours of sleep.

Blame the technological revolution and electronic gadgets! More and more research is showing that electronic gadgets offer distractions that prevent people from sleeping on time. Also the blue light emitted by televisions, computers and a few other equipment actually affect the production of melatonin, a hormone essential for sleep.

Researchers say that people in the current generation sleep 2 hours less on average than those, 60 years ago.

Did you know that sleeping less than six hours every day can triple the risk of developing high blood pressure? Women who sleep for less than 4 hours a day double their risk of dying from heart attacks.

There are a few simple things you can do to help you sleep naturally:

Avoid watching TV or using electronic gadgets in the night, especially before bedtime. The blue light they emit can trick the brain into thinking that it is daylight.

If possible, sleep in a completely dark room without any night light. Even a dim light source can affect the quality of sleep.

Keep the temperature in your bedroom at 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 Celsius) or less. A room that is too warm or too cold is not ideal for restful sleep.

Take a hot or cold shower before bedtime, based on your preference. When your body heat is reduced through a bath, you’ll feel drowsy and ready for sleep.

Keep electronic equipment like phones and alarm clocks away from your bed. Remember that sleep deprivation is dangerous and needs to be taken care of at once.

Increase Sleep Time - This ONE Healthy Drink Helps You Sleep through the Night

Sleep is important to you. It’s refreshing when you get enough of it.
It keeps you going throughout the day. The problem: you’ve been having sleepless nights. Nights when counting sheep just didn’t cut it. Bad for health. Bad for keeping you from yelling at your boss out of frustration from lack of sleep. But there’s a tasty drink that can change all that.

Researchers from Louisiana State University have discovered that a glass of tart cherry juice is what you need to sleep better and also increase your sleep time by up to 90 minutes.

For the study, seven volunteers who were elderly people suffering from insomnia were advised to drink 8 ounces of tart cherry juice twice a day for two weeks. This was followed by 2 weeks of abstinence from cherry juice. For the next two weeks after that, the volunteers were instead given a placebo beverage in the place of cherry juice.

The researchers monitored the sleep pattern of the volunteers for the entire period of the study. They also surveyed the volunteers about fatigue, sleep, anxiety and depression.

The research revealed that those who consumed cherry juice in the morning and night, on an average slept about 84 minutes longer than usual and also enjoyed better quality of sleep.

It has been concluded that the compound in cherry juice helped to stop the breakdown of the amino acid tryptophan, which is necessary for synthesis of the hormone serotonin that induces good sleep.

An increase in the levels of serotonin has other beneficial effects too – it can decrease inflammation and improve the mood! The juice itself contains a small amount of tryptophan which makes it a great natural choice for fighting insomnia. Say goodnight to your sleeping medication and instead enjoy a glass of cherry juice!

Increase Sleep Time - 8 Foods That Help You Sleep

If you frequently have trouble falling asleep or often wake up in the middle of the night and can’t doze off again, you have probably tried many different sleep aids – without success.

Watch this video to get more ideas to increase sleep time - How to Get Better Sleep (and Fall Asleep Faster): 5 Essential Tips

But did you know that several types of everyday food – something you already have in your kitchen – include natural “sleep inducting” ingredients that shoot you into eight hours of restful sleep?

Walnuts: These tasty nuts are rich in the amino acid tryptophan which helps produce melatonin and serotonin, two hormones that help you fall asleep faster.

Almonds: Another nut that can lull you to sleep, almonds are rich in the mineral magnesium that is essential for good sleep.

Cheese: You might have heard that a glass of warm milk is just the thing to help you sleep, but recent research suggests that cheese is better! Cheese has very high calcium content that helps produce tryptophan necessary for producing hormones that trigger sleep.

Lettuce: Lettuce is thought to be just perfect for a restful sleep. It contains ‘lactucarium’, a compound which has sedative properties. One way to get strong “sleeping effects” from lettuce is to simmer 3 – 4 lettuce leaves in water for about 15 minutes, and sip the water.

Tuna: Tuna is rich in Vitamin B6 that helps produce serotonin and melatonin and helps in providing restful sleep.

Cherries: Cherries are a natural source of the hormone melatonin that is responsible for sleep. Drinking cherry juice at night might help you sleep earlier.

Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea increases the amino acid glycine in the body. Glycine acts as a natural sedative and relaxes nerves and muscles to induce restful sleep. Mixing a little honey helps even more.

Chickpeas: Chickpeas are a good source of the amino acid tryptophan which helps produce hormones necessary for inducing sleep. Try having a dish of hummus or any other meal made of chickpeas to get some good shut eye in the night.

You don’t need to depend on medications or food to sleep. This audio has helped thousands of Blue Heron Health News readers to sleep soundly.Click here…

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Increase Sleep Time Fast?

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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

What is the Best Way to Easily Sleep Better?

Can’t Sleep? Want to Easily Sleep Better? Then Here Are 6 Things You Absolutely Must Know When you’ve counted more than 2000 sheep and you still can’t sleep a wink, you know you have a problem. Read on here to find out more about this Cure Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program that can help you easily sleep better every night.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Better Tonight

Easily Sleep Better - How Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Causes Sleeplessness

I guess it comes as no surprise to those who have been suffering arthritis, fibromyalgia or any other chronic  pain, that sleeplessness is highly associated with these conditions.

But new research from the UK sheds some light on the connections between these conditions and what you could do to eliminate both.

A study conducted by researchers from University of Warwick in the UK focused on the relationship between painful  conditions and sleeplessness.

The team mailed questionnaires to people above the age of 50 who were registered with medical practices/clinics in North Staffordshire. Repeat questionnaires were mailed after a period of 3 years.

People were asked to shade the areas in a body where they experienced pain as well as report on their sleeping habits and sleep  problem if any.

They received replies from a total of 6,676 people. Of those, about 3,000 people had moderate pain at the beginning of the study. Roughly 1,800 people had no pain at all at the start of the study while another 1,800 people reported severe/widespread pain.

Based on reports obtained three years later, the researchers found that those who had experienced moderate pain in the beginning were more likely to experience worsening sleep  problems.

Those who were already experiencing widespread pain were twice as likely to develop insomnia compared to those who didn’t experience any pain.

The researchers conclude that the link between painful conditions and insomnia can be linked to the physical limitations and limited social functioning associated with it.

We have a strong culture of social functioning and physical activity as an important part of our daily life. When pain and discomfort limit us from indulging in these activities, it can affect sleep on a long term.

This study is also useful in pointing out that it is not just enough to treat insomnia but to identify its roots to see if there is an underlying, untreated cause.

Chronic pain is not just about an isolated disease. It spreads into almost all areas of your life.

Can’t  Sleep? Want to Easily Sleep  Better? Then Here Are 6 Things You Absolutely Must Know

When you’ve counted more than 2000 sheep and you still can’t sleep a wink, you know you have a problem.

It doesn’t matter which side of the bed you wake up on – if you’ve spent half the night tossing and turning without any restful shuteye, it’s going to be a tough challenge tackling the chores of the day.

Insomnia is not just about missing a good  sleep and feeling tired and exhausted. It’s a serious condition, which interferes with your health and can cause problems in the long term if left untreated.

Here are a few things you should know:

1. You might have a predisposition for insomnia: Let’s face it, some people just find it easier to fall asleep than others. This can be due to a lot of biological factors as well as deep-rooted sleep habits cultivated from a young age. But no matter what, you can actually train your brain to fall asleep.

2. Mind your P’S: Experts say that there are two P’s you might look out for: Precipitation Cause and Perpetuation Cause. Sounds complicated, but it’s really simple.

Precipitation is what sets off sleeplessness but it is perpetuation that causes it to be a regular occurrence. Precipitation is like the peak of anxiety you experience just before an exam or an important announcement or a job deadline. It can cause you to spend long hours in the night worrying or working.

Perpetuation is when you continue doing it even in the absence of any stress, causing insomnia to become chronic.

3. It might be linked to depression: Studies show that depression can result in bad  sleep and vice versa. Panic disorder, depression and anxiety disorder have all been linked to insomnia. Also, having insomnia along with these psychological  problems can intensify them.

4. Sleeping pills aren’t a solution: We often tend to think of pills and medications as a magic cure for our problems. Sadly, it isn’t the case. Not only does the effect wear off if you use them too often, they can also cause unwanted side-effects in the long run.

5. Don’t brood too much on it: While there are doctors who advise you to maintain diaries and detailed logs to find out the factors triggering insomnia, others are against it. Just thinking too much about your insomnia itself might become an obsession and it might actually worsen it. You don’t want to stay awake late in the night writing in a diary instead of sleeping, right?

6. Home remedies may or may not work for you: People often recommend a glass of hot milk or a cup of chamomile tea to help you get to sleep. You might be lucky and it could work like a charm. Again, it might not work and you might just have to test some other option. Try things out but be aware that we’re all different and what works for one person may actually keep you awake.

There is one method, however, that has worked for almost everyone to help them fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed in the morning.

9 Foods to Fall Asleep and Easily Sleep Better Through the Night

So there you are, getting into bed, but it’ll be hours before you’ll actually fall asleep.

Wait. Scratch that. You’re no longer worried about that. Because these delectable foods are sure to lull you to sleep. Dream away.

Fish – Fish is an excellent source of vitamin B6, especially halibut, salmon and tuna. Vitamin B6 in turn is needed for making melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone.

Jasmine rice – A study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that eating rice with high glycemic index like jasmine rice, helped people fall asleep faster during bedtime. It is believed that this triggered insulin levels that increased the ratio of the amino acid tryptophan that induces sleep.

Tart cherry juice – Insomniacs who consumed two glasses of tart cherry juice every day showed an improvement in their condition. It is believed that cherry juice is rich in melatonin hormone.

Yogurt – A few studies have shown that calcium deficiency can create problems with sleeping. So, dairy products like milk and yogurt are thought to be good for inducing restful sleep.

Whole grains – Like calcium, a deficiency in magnesium can also cause sleeplessness. The solution is to consume whole grains like barley that are rich in magnesium.

Kale – Calcium deficiency can be combated not just through dairy products. Even green leafy vegetables like kale and collard green are a good source of calcium and offer other benefits apart from inducing good sleep.

Bananas – These fruits are a good source of potassium and Vitamin B6, both of which are useful in making melatonin hormone.

Chickpeas – Chickpeas are a good source of Vitamin B6, necessary for making hormone melatonin. Toss in a handful of boiled chickpeas in your salad for a healthy dinner option.

Fortified cereals – Maybe it’d be a good idea to have a bowl of cereal just before sleeping instead of in the morning. Most cereals are fortified with many vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B6 can help produce melatonin and induce sleep.

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Easily Sleep Better Fast?

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