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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

How to Treat Angular Cheilitis Effectively?

For those who are still trying to get rid of Angular Cheilitis but still have not yet found a good result, here are some tips which may help you to treat angular cheilitis effectively and make your fight easier.

How to Cure Angular Cheilitis Naturally & Permanently in 12 Hours or Less

In order to treat angular cheilitis effectively, thousands or even millions of people are searching every year for an effective treatment that will get them rid for good of Angular Cheilitis.

Some manage to relieve themselves from the pains this skin conditions causes, while others continue to struggle for months with this terrible skin condition.

For those who are still trying to get rid of Angular Cheilitis but still have not yet found a good result, here are some tips which may help you to treat angular cheilitis effectively and make your fight easier.

As you probably know, the first thing you have to do when the first signs of Angular Cheilitis appear is to discover the cause which determined the apparition of this skin condition.

Steps to Treat Angular Cheilitis Effectively

You can make an examination of the area and see if there have been folds where moisture could be retained. If you have had some teeth pulled out or if you are wearing dentures, such folds may appear in time. If this is the issue, you should fix that by making an appointment to your dentist.

Also, some blood tests will show you if your body has all the nutrients and vitamins it needs to function properly. In most of the cases, the Angular Cheilitis is triggered by malnutrition and anemia, thus making these tests will help you see whether this is your case, too.

Once you know the results of the blood tests you should know if you should take vitamin supplements or your Angular Cheilitis was only a surface problem, caused by excessive moisture in the corners of your mouth.

Apart from addressing the problem from the interior to the exterior, you will also have to apply some creams or ointments which will alleviate your suffering and at the same time will actively work on the sores.

What most Angular Cheilitis treatments do is create a dry environment in which the bacteria cannot develop and trap them between the layer of cream and the layer of skin, thus killing them.

Hydrocortisone, Mycolog II cream (which contains triamcinolone acetonide and nystatin) and Miconazole are the most popular medications prescribed by dermatologists in such conditions.

In addition to that, it is advisable not to stay in cold or humid places, not to lick your lips, drink plenty of water and include in your diet foods rich in vitamins and minerals while excluding the ones which contain chemical additives and saturated foods.

By using the above steps to treat Angular Cheilitis effectively, you will be able to keep it under control and even treat it for good if you stick to the program your dermatologist established for you each and every day.

This article is based on the book, “Angular Cheilitis Free Forever” by Jason White. Jason is a medical researcher, health consultant and alternative medical practitioner who created this angular cheilitis treatment book based on over 20 years of his personal experience in helping angular cheilitis sufferers relieve their symptoms within minutes, and get rid of angular cheilitis permanently without medication.

Learn more by visiting his website:

Friday, June 2, 2017

What are the Foods to Eat for Angular Cheilitis?

If you have had angular cheilitis long time ago and are afraid that will come back, if you have it and want to treat it faster or if you do not want to have this terrible experience ever, you should start by choosing these foods to eat for angular cheilitis.

How to Cure Angular Cheilitis Naturally & Permanently in 12 Hours or Less

People suffering from Angular Cheilitis know that this is one of the most troubling and annoying skin condition one can experience. It prevents you from eating, drinking and speaking normally.

Many people even refuse to go out of the house when suffering from this condition, thus becoming isolated from the rest of the world. This is why it is better to prevent it then having to treat it.

If you have had it long time ago and are afraid that will come back, if you have it and want to treat it faster or if you do not want to have this terrible experience ever, you should start by eating the foods listed below.

They will provide your body with all the vitamins and nutrients necessary to effectively fight this disease and prevent it from appearing ever again.

Most of the times, Angular Cheilitis appears as a result of a weak immune system. Thus, you will need to have a balanced diet, filled with fruits and vegetables that will supply you with all the things you need to remain healthy and have a strong immune system.

Foods to eat for Angular Cheilitis #1

The first thing that you will need to have in your body to fight Angular Cheilitis is iron. The main sources of iron are green vegetables (broccoli) and leafy veggies, liver and lean meat. Include these ingredients in your diet and your immune system will be ready to face aggressions from the external environment as well as from inside the body.

If you already have the condition you may need to take supplements in order to cover the iron deficiency, as iron is quire hardly absorbed by the body.

Foods to eat for Angular Cheilitis #2

Another substance you will need in order to keep Angular Cheilitis away is vitamin B2 or riboflavin, which can be found in dairy products, leafy vegetables, all types of meat, as well as cereals.

Foods to eat for Angular Cheilitis #3

Vitamin B3 (niacin) is also great for a healthy immune systems. It can be synthetized from lean meats, rice, bean, avocados, fish, eggs and liver. Brown rice, cauliflower, avocado, cabbage, yeast, fish, chicken and beef are great sources of pyridoxine (a component of Vitamin B6) which can also influence the way in which your body functions.

A healthy and balanced diet and even some vitamin supplements when the body is weaken by diseases, harsh environmental conditions or quotidian stress can keep Angular Cheilitis away and treat it faster if it has already occurred, thus make sure that you include in your meals all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals your body needs.

This article is based on the book, “Angular Cheilitis Free Forever” by Jason White. Jason is a medical researcher, health consultant and alternative medical practitioner who created this angular cheilitis treatment book based on over 20 years of his personal experience in helping angular cheilitis sufferers relieve their symptoms within minutes, and get rid of angular cheilitis permanently without medication.

Learn more by visiting his website:

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Find Relief for Angular Cheilitis Using These Homemade Solutions

Here are some homemade solutions which can bring you some relief for angular cheilitis. These recipes are all natural, so that they do not have any side effects. In addition to that, they do not interfere in any way with the treatment you use, regardless of which that is, thus you can also continue with your treatment and use these relief techniques too.

How to Cure Angular Cheilitis Naturally & Permanently in 12 Hours or Less

Sufferers of Angular Cheilitis know best that living with such a condition can be quite a nightmare, especially when the sorest start to bleed, hurt and sometimes even itch.

The treatment may last several weeks, time in which the condition may become better, but the pain and itching will still remain.

If you are experiencing these sensations and the treatment will not make them go away, here are some homemade solutions which can bring you some relief.

These recipes are all natural, so that they do not have any side effects. In addition to that, they do not interfere in any way with the treatment you use, regardless of which that is, thus you can also continue with your treatment and use these relief techniques too.

Relief for Angular Cheilitis #1

One of the best natural medicines is honey. Having great anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, honey is great for killing the source of infection, take the pain away and make the itching stop. In addition to that, it contains minerals and vitamins which will help the skin heal faster.

Thus, if you have some honey in your kitchen (preferably ecological honey, without any preservatives or additives) apply some on the affected area each day and leave it there for a couple of minutes, then wash it off with plenty of water. You will feel better and the Angular Cheilitis will start to disappear step by step.

Relief for Angular Cheilitis #2

If you want to moisturize the lips and the affected area, you should apply cocoa butter or Vitamin E on the respective areas. This will prevent the skin from further cracking, making it more elastic, thus the pain when you open the mouth will be considerably reduced.

Relief for Angular Cheilitis #3

Aloe Vera and cucumber slices are also very effective in hydrating the area and killing bacteria, thus if you have such plants in your house or you can purchase them from the local market they will make great adjuvants for your treatment.

Just rub them on the affected area and the itchiness will start to disappear while the swallowing and redness of the skin will go away after several uses.

Relief for Angular Cheilitis #4

You can also rub the affected areas with a pinch of salt and on the top of it put some drops of olive oil. This will calm the skin and make the condition bearable.

These homemade recipes are only for relieving the pain and stopping the condition from its fast evolution, but they cannot be used as treatments for Angular Cheilitis.

They are great to work along with the treatment not all by themselves, so do not stop your treatment when using them, even though you may feel better from them.

This article is based on the book, “Angular Cheilitis Free Forever” by Jason White. Jason is a medical researcher, health consultant and alternative medical practitioner who created this angular cheilitis treatment book based on over 20 years of his personal experience in helping angular cheilitis sufferers relieve their symptoms within minutes, and get rid of angular cheilitis permanently without medication.

Learn more by visiting his website:

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Don't Lick Your Lips when Angular Cheilitis Appears

Angular Cheilitis, also known as angular stomatitis or cheilosis is a skin condition. When Angular Cheilitis appears some cracks will start showing on the skin, especially in the corners of the mouth and in the skin surrounding the mouth. These cracks grow deeper and deeper and in time may even start to bleed and transform into sores.

How to Cure Angular Cheilitis Naturally & Permanently in 12 Hours or Less

Angular Cheilitis, also known as angular stomatitis or cheilosis is a skin condition. When Angular Cheilitis appears some cracks will start showing on the skin, especially in the corners of the mouth and in the skin surrounding the mouth. These cracks grow deeper and deeper and in time may even start to bleed and transform into sores.

There are two main external causes from which Angular Cheilitis appears.

The first one is because of the existence of some skin folds around the mouth which favor the accumulation of saliva and sweat. Both these liquids contain bacteria and while the saliva and the sweat go deep in the skin, the bacteria and fungi starts affecting the layers of skin too, and gradually start developing and growing in number until Angular Cheilitis appears in its full form.

Another cause which triggers Angular Cheilitis is chapped lips. These usually appear when they are exposed to cold temperatures without any protection or without being hydrated enough.

When chapped lips appear, most people start licking them in hope of providing some relief from the pain and at the same time moisturize the area, thus reducing the effects of chapped lips. Yet, licking your lips when they are chapped is the worst thing you can do.

First of all because the saliva is not a great moisturizer and what it will do will only increase the damage caused by cold. In addition to that, in our mouths there are billions of bacteria which you can transfer, along with the saliva in the cracks of your chapped lips, thus giving a hand to the development and faster evolution of Angular Cheilitis.

When Angular Cheilitis appears, your lips are chapped or you see the first signs of cheilosis on the area around your lips and feel tempted to lick them, refrain from doing that! You will only make the condition worse.

Instead, try to always keep a lip balm with you during cold times and use them when you feel your lips need to be moisturized.

It will help you prevent the appearance of Angular Cheilitis or diminish its effects (if it already appeared on the skin). Also, it will provide relief and will keep the skin from the lips and from around them healthy and moisturized, helping it cope more efficiently with any skin condition which may appear, including when Angular Cheilitis appears.

This article is based on the book, “Angular Cheilitis Free Forever” by Jason White. Jason is a medical researcher, health consultant and alternative medical practitioner who created this angular cheilitis treatment book based on over 20 years of his personal experience in helping angular cheilitis sufferers relieve their symptoms within minutes, and get rid of angular cheilitis permanently without medication.

Learn more by visiting his website:

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Do Not Pick At Your Sores When You Have Angular Cheilitis

The temptation of trying to 'help' your skin recover faster when you have Angular Cheilitis by picking at your sores may be high. Yet, you should refrain from such actions if you do not want to prolong the time it will take your skin to heal and aggravate the situation.

How to CureAngular Cheilitis Naturally & Permanently in 12 Hours or Less

Mixed feelings invade one's heart when you have Angular Cheilitis appear. There is embarrassment about the way in which the skin around the lips looks like and there is the feeling of fear of the way in which this condition may develop in time. Then, there is the pain which usually accompanies this condition.

With so many feelings crossing their souls, many people just panic and start picking at the cracked skin, in hope that this will hurry the process of healing. Yet, this is one of the worst things you do when you have Angular Cheilitis.

Here is why:

Angular Cheilitis involves the cracking of skin, inflammation, redness and in most severe cases infection and pus. In order for the skin to start healing, it will need to start regenerating the cells which have been damaged.

Thus, more often, in the cases precursory to the healing the skin will have a flaky aspect. This means that the skin is trying to remake the areas which are affected.

If you start picking at that skin and taking it from there you will further enlarge the lesions and prevent the skin from healing in an effective manner. In other words, instead of helping the skin to heal, as you may believe, you just make the process longer and more difficult.

In addition to that, the hand surface collects millions of bacteria each hour. Thus, placing your hands on the affected area will further increase the risk of infection.

Even though you have just got rid of all that nasty pus you can cause another infection just by picking at your sores and you do not want this to happen, right?

Also, picking at your skin when you have Angular Cheilitis may result in scarring the affected area. This is another reason for which you should keep your hands away from the area affected by Angular Cheilitis.

The temptation of trying to 'help' your skin recover faster when you have Angular Cheilitis by picking at your sores may be high. Yet, you should refrain from such actions if you do not want to prolong the time it will take your skin to heal and aggravate the situation.

This article is based on the book, “Angular Cheilitis Free Forever” by Jason White. Jason is a medical researcher, health consultant and alternative medical practitioner who created this angular cheilitis treatment book based on over 20 years of his personal experience in helping angular cheilitis sufferers relieve their symptoms within minutes, and get rid of angular cheilitis permanently without medication.

Learn more by visiting his website:

Monday, May 29, 2017

3 Categories of People Prone to Angular Cheilitis

There are three categories of people prone to angular cheilitis, a skin condition which affects the corners of the mouth and the skin from above and below them. Read on to see if you are one of these high risk groups.

Each and every year, thousands or even millions of people are searching for an effective treatment that will get them rid of their Angular Cheilitis as soon as possible.

In order to see the people with high risk of suffering from this disease, it is absolutely necessary to understand what Angular Cheilitis is and how it develops.

Angular Cheilitis is a skin condition which affects the corners of the mouth and the skin from above and below them. In time, the condition can spread so that it can affect the entire area from above and below the lips.

People Prone to Angular Cheilitis #1 – Old People

In most cases, this condition is due to the fact that saliva and sweat are retained too much time inside some skin folds. This is mainly possible when people are wearing dentures that do not fit well, thus deforming the face and causing folds at the level of the mouth or when one or more teeth are missing and the mouth closes more than necessary.

These cases are more common in older people, as they are the one who have most teeth extracted and have to wear dentures. Also, because this condition is also influenced by the amount of vitamins and minerals present in the body, older people are first on the list as their immune system are quite low, many of them having deficiencies in vitamins and minerals.

People Prone to Angular Cheilitis #2 – Children

Another category very affected by Angular Cheilitis is that of children. They are quite sensitive to bacteria and fungi, so they can easily become the victims of this condition, especially if they do not have a diet which can offer them all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals they need for a strong immune system.

In addition to that, children have the bad habit of licking their chapped lips which can be a triggering factor of Angular Cheilitis. To prevent such a skin condition make sure that your little one has a balanced diet and that they have a lip balm which they can use in cold weather to moisturize their lips and prevent the apparition of chapped lips.

People Prone to Angular Cheilitis #3 – People with Poor Diet

Adults lacking Vitamin B (Vitamin B2, B3 and B6 especially), iron and zinc are also prone to Angular Cheilitis, but the cases of adults which have contracted this skin condition is much smaller than the number of cases reported for children and old persons.

This article is based on the book, “Angular Cheilitis Free Forever” by Jason White. Jason is a medical researcher, health consultant and alternative medical practitioner who created this angular cheilitis treatment book based on over 20 years of his personal experience in helping angular cheilitis sufferers relieve their symptoms within minutes, and get rid of angular cheilitis permanently without medication.

Learn more by visiting his website:

Friday, May 26, 2017

Is Tea Tree Oil Great for Treating Angular Cheilitis?

Tea tree oil, in spite of the great substances it contains, must not be used for treating Angular Cheilitis for two reasons: first it has serious side effects and secondly, the disease gets resistant to it the second time it appears, so you will only make the disease stronger without effectively treating it.

How to Cure Angular Cheilitis Naturally & Permanently in 12 Hours or Less

When it comes to treating Angular Cheilitis people have come up with different treatments over the time.

Homemade recipes and medicines were combined in offering the ultimate treatment that will relieve people of the pain they felt when opening their mouth and of the embarrassment they had to face when going out of the house. Yet, until now their attempts only offered some relief, not a complete cure when it comes to treating Angular Cheilitis.

One of those wonder treatments promoted by many people was tea tree oil. Well known for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, the tea tree oil seemed to be the perfect remedy for treating Angular Cheilitis.

With proven successes in treating acne, the tea tree oil had given people lots of hopes that this will be the treatment they have long waited for.

So, studies have been made and many people tried this type of treatment on their faces and surprise: it really worked. The pus disappeared and the lesions started to heal. This was by far the best treatment for Angular Cheilitis which had been found.

Yet, after a period of time the people who have tested this method for treating Angular Cheilitis start experiencing side effects. Among the most common such side effects one could remember diarrhoea, weakening of the immune system, hormonal imbalances.

Pregnant women or those who breastfed their babies were prohibited from taking it after these side effects appeared. In addition to that, it was reported that some of the boys who have used the tea tree oil for treating Angular Cheilitis have suffered enlargements of their breasts.

In addition to that, when the Angular Cheilitis appeared for the second time in persons which have undergone the treatment with tea tree oil, this solution was no longer working so another treatment had to be used in order to relieve the pain and help the skin heal faster.

Thus, tea tree oil, in spite of the great substances it contains, must not be used for treating Angular Cheilitis for two reasons: first it has serious side effects and secondly, the disease gets resistant to it the second time it appears, so you will only make the disease stronger without effectively treating it.

This article is based on the book, “Angular Cheilitis Free Forever” by Jason White. Jason is a medical researcher, health consultant and alternative medical practitioner who created this angular cheilitis treatment book based on over 20 years of his personal experience in helping angular cheilitis sufferers relieve their symptoms within minutes, and get rid of angular cheilitis permanently without medication.

Learn more by visiting his website:

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Avoid Humid and Cold Places when You Suffer from Angular Cheilitis

If you suffer from Angular Cheilitis and want to treat Angular Cheilitis faster, then you should stay away from humid places and cold ones. If this means that you will spend most of your time indoors, then you should do so. Exposing yourself to such harsh environments will only make the condition worse and your nightmare even longer and probably more painful!

How to Cure Angular Cheilitis Naturally & Permanently in 12 Hours or Less

Angular Cheilitis is probably one of the worst conditions which can affect your skin as it provokes deep cracks in the skin, provoking sores which may eventually start to bleed. There are cases in which the patient finds it hard to perform its normal activities like eating or speaking.

Because this condition develops quite fast and it can become rather severe in a short period of time it is necessary to start a treatment right from the first signs.

Yet, in order for the treatment to be highly effective, you have to stay away from the factors which have caused this condition or from those which may further aggravate it.

Among those factors which can cause people to suffer from Angular Cheilitis and make this condition worse we should name the bad dietary habits which should be replaced with proper nutrition and also some vitamin supplements.

The existence of folds around the mouth, which favors the accumulation of moisture (most often are caused by bad dentition or dentures that do not fit well) and an improper oral hygiene can also cause people to suffer from Angular Cheilitis.

It is also important to avoid cold places when you suffer from Angular Cheilitis. This is mainly because the cold weather increases the sensation of chapped lips.

People's tendency when they suffer from Angular Cheilitis is to lick their chapped lips to alleviate the pain and moisturize them. However, this is a false sensation as the more you lick your lips the more damage you cause them.

The saliva is not a good moisturizer and when it evaporates it further dries your skin, aggravating your condition. In addition to that the saliva contains bacteria so you grow the number of bacteria from the area affected by Angular Cheilitis each time you lick your lips.

If you suffer from Angular Cheilits, humid places should also be avoided, as in these places the bacteria develop much faster, thus the risk of infections is even bigger.

Instead you should stay in dry places and moisturize the skin using lip balms, ointments and creams which will trap the bacteria in between, thus killing them.

If you suffer from Angular Cheilitis and want to treat Angular Cheilitis faster, then you should stay away from humid places and cold ones. If this means that you will spend most of your time indoors, then you should do so. Exposing yourself to such harsh environments will only make the condition worse and your nightmare even longer and probably more painful!

This article is based on the book, “Angular Cheilitis Free Forever” by Jason White. Jason is a medical researcher, health consultant and alternative medical practitioner who created this angular cheilitis treatment book based on over 20 years of his personal experience in helping angular cheilitis sufferers relieve their symptoms within minutes, and get rid of angular cheilitis permanently without medication.

Learn more by visiting his website:

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Cracks in the Corners of the Mouth - A Sign of Alarm that Your Body Lacks Vitamins

One of the best ways through which the skin shows us that the body lacks the vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs in order to function properly is through the well-known Angular Cheilitis, a skin condition which involves cracks in the corners of the mouth and along the lip lines, sores above the lips, pain when opening the mouth and sometimes itching when keeping it closed as well as sores and bleeding in extreme cases.

How to Cure Angular Cheilitis Naturally & Permanently in 12 Hours or Less

The human body is like a machine: it is made of many parts which assembled work together great and one part influence the way the entire ensemble functions.

Yet, without one part the machine may broke down and not be able to work well ever again. This is why it is highly important to listen to what our body has to say very carefully and intervene when there is something wrong.

It is said that skin is the mirror of our body, thus if you see that there is something wrong with your skin, you should make a set of blood tests and see if there is something wrong inside or there is just an external issue.

One of the best ways through which the skin shows us that the body lacks the vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs in order to function properly is through the well-known Angular Cheilitis, a skin condition which involves cracks in the corners of the mouth and along the lip lines, sores above the lips, pain when opening the mouth and sometimes itching when keeping it closed as well as sores and bleeding in extreme cases.

This skin condition is mainly caused by excessive moisture and bacteria and/or fungi accumulated in the corners or the folds of the mouth.

Apart from the appearance of cracks in the corner of the mouth, Angular Cheilitis has also an internal one which favors the rapid development of this skin condition. This factor is the low immune system.

The vast majority of people who have to face this disease have been proved to have serious deficiencies of the complex of vitamin B, especially riboflavin (Vitamin B2), niacin (Vitamin B3) and pyridoxine (Vitamin B6).

Iron and zinc deficiencies are also responsible for the apparition and evolution of Angular Cheilitis. Thus, if you see cracks in the corners of the mouth or you are already dealing with this condition you should make some blood tests and see which of these vitamins lack from your body.

This will help you treat the condition faster and at the same time strengthen your immune system and prevent any other types of illnesses from invading your body.

Be aware of what your body has to say and act accordingly especially if you see cracks in the corners of the mouth! Only this way will you be able to remain in good shape for a long time and prevent further illnesses from affecting you on the short and long run.

This article is based on the book, “Angular Cheilitis Free Forever” by Jason White. Jason is a medical researcher, health consultant and alternative medical practitioner who created this angular cheilitis treatment book based on over 20 years of his personal experience in helping angular cheilitis sufferers relieve their symptoms within minutes, and get rid of angular cheilitis permanently without medication.

Learn more by visiting his website:

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Why You Need to Take the Cracks on Corner of Lips Seriously?

Many people who have not given the cracks on corner of lips the right importance have seen how badly such a skin condition can affect their lives. Read on to find out the reasons from which you should address this condition from the apparition of the first signs.

How to Cure Angular Cheilitis Naturally & Permanently in 12 Hours or Less

Even though the appearance of cracks on corner of lips (which is called Angular Cheilitis) is a skin condition which may seem banal and almost harmless, this disease can seriously damage the human body.

Many people who have not given the cracks on corner of lips the right importance have seen how badly such a skin condition can affect their lives. Read on to find out the reasons from which you should address this condition from the apparition of the first signs.

Angular Cheilitis is the skin condition which involves the appearance of cracks on corner of lips, these cracks which with time grow bigger and deeper.

Gradually, the cracks on corner of lips become sores filled with puss and the person affected by this skin condition is no longer able to fully open the mouth as each time they do the skin cracks even more and the patient is in great pain.

What this means is that the person suffering from this condition is no longer able to have a proper nutrition, as each time they open their mouth the pain starts and the skin cracks.

Without an appropriate nutrition, the immune system loses its strength and ability to effectively fight this disease as well as any other internal or external aggressions.

Thus, the body gets weaker and weaker as time goes by and it is more prone to diseases and illnesses which otherwise might have fought with ease.

The intake of water is also affected. Even though the person affected by this condition drinks water, the quantity is far smaller than the usual amount, thus the skin no longer receives the moisture it needs and further cracking is favored, thus aggravating the condition.

Also, the entire body may get dehydrated and suffer from lack of water. All these happen because of those apparently harmless cracks on corner of lips

If you want to keep your body in perfect condition and avoid such terrible things to happen, make sure that you treat Angular Cheilitis from the first appearance of cracks on corner of lips.

It will not only exempt you of all the pain associated with this disease, but it will also help you keep your body in good shape and prevent any other kind of aggression on it!

Watch this Video – Angular Cheilitis Home Remedy

This article is based on the book, “Angular Cheilitis Free Forever” by Jason White. Jason is a medical researcher, health consultant and alternative medical practitioner who created this angular cheilitis treatment book based on over 20 years of his personal experience in helping angular cheilitis sufferers relieve their symptoms within minutes, and get rid of angular cheilitis permanently without medication.

Learn more by visiting his website:

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