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Friday, September 9, 2016

25 Really Wonderful Tea Tree Oil Benefits for You

Tea tree oil is noted for its anti-microbial properties, fighting bacteria, inhibiting the growth of fungi, and potentially wiping out certain viruses. Read on here to learn about the 25 tea tree oil benefits.

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Tea tree oil is one of the most extensively researched essential oils, and one of the most backed by the findings and conclusions discovered from the studies done on it.

It is produced from a shrub like tree by the name of Melaleuca alternifolia, which is found along streams and in swampy areas in its native land of Australia.

In the 1920’s a chemist by the name of Arthur Penfold was busy exploring the properties of native volatile oils, isolating their properties, exploring their molecular structure, and contributing to the chemical understanding of variations within plant species.

During his studies in phytochemistry, he found that tea tree oil appeared extremely promising due to its powerful antiseptic properties.

But well before Mr. Penfold kick started the commercial tea tree oil industry, native aboriginals were using and benefitting from tea tree oil, and passing their knowledge down throughout generations. Tea tree oil uses are endless, with a long and rich history which continues to this day.

Safety Concerns: Essential oils are powerful, and tea tree oil is no exception. The greatest concern when it comes to using tea tree oil is chiefly skin irritation. Some people, especially those with sensitive skin, may experience a reaction when they come into direct contact with the oil.

If this is a concern for you, always dilute the tea tree oil in a liquid neutral oil such as olive oil, grapeseed oil, almond oil, etc. etc. Mixing with water does no good- it’s an oil, and will therefore separate - so you must give it another fat to grab onto.

There isn’t a whole lot known about ingesting tea tree oil, so internal usage/consumption is not mentioned in this list.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #1 - Clear up A Sore Throat

Tea tree oil can help with some inflammation of the mucous membranes, which contributes to the pain of a sore throat, but most importantly it can help fight off an infection. If caught in time, it can also possibly prevent it from really taking hold in the first place.

Put 1 drop of tea tree oil into a glass of warm water, swish it around and gargle with it at least once a day. Don’t panic if you swallow a little bit, but try to spit out most of it.

You can also add 2 teaspoons of salt which, thanks to osmosis, will draw excess water out of the mucous membranes that can create pressure and add to discomfort.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #2 - Fight that Head Cold

When you have a cold that develops into a sinus infection, the resulting pressure and discomfort can be miserable. The sinuses, air filled cavities in the front of the skull, are lined with mucous membranes, and when an infection sets in, an excess of mucous in the cavities creates painful pressure.

In addition to this, inflammation of the membranes makes it difficult for said mucous to drain. The anti-bacterial action of tea tree oil can be airborne, which means it can be effective via steam bath. I know I mention this remedy a lot, but it really is the bee’s knees.

To clear up a sinus infection, add roughly 5-8 drops of tea tree oil (you can adjust the amount to suit your preferences, but it is powerful stuff) to a bowl of freshly boiled water.

Lean over the bowl, being mindful of the steam, and cover your head and the bowl with a towel. Breathe the steam for a good ten minutes at least twice daily to wipe out that nasty bacteria. Keep tissues on hand.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #3 - Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer

You’re out to a nice dinner and as you settle into the booth your mother-in-law whips out a little bottle of hand sanitizer. “Would you like some?” she asks-but you know it’s not a question. Obligingly you hold out your hand and try not to cringe as she squeezes out a giant dollop that floods your palm.

That situation-or some take on it-has happened to many of us at some point or another. Now, thanks to the antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil, you can make your own (much more pleasant) hand sanitizer.

Here is a simple recipe for making your own hand sanitizer

You will need…

-25-30 drops of tea tree oil
-9 drops of lavender oil
-9 drops of clove oil
-1 tablespoon of witch hazel (optional)
-16 tablespoons (8 ounces) aloe vera gel
-A small container
-A bowl


In a bowl place 9 drops each of lavender and clove oil, and 25-30 drops of tea tree oil. Stir these together add 16 tablespoons (8 ounces) of aloe vera gel and 1 tablespoon of witch hazel (if you are using it.) Blend everything together and store out of direct sunlight in a cool place for up to 1 month.

Note that because it doesn’t have the same level of concentrated alcohol content as store-bought hand sanitizers, its shelf life is not indefinite, and you can make it in smaller batches if you prefer.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #4 - Fight the Fungus

Nail fungus is an unpleasant condition that can cause both physical and psychological discomfort. You can use tea tree oil mixed simply with water, or you can mix it with coconut oil. Coconut oil also has fungus fighting properties that complement the tea tree oil.

Melt down a tablespoon of coconut oil and then mix in 4-5 drops of tea tree oil. Store in an airtight glass container out of direct sunlight, and apply faithfully to the affected area once in the morning and once at night every day.

You don’t need to use much - you don’t want greasy toes after all - and be sure to wash your hands between applications to avoid spreading the fungus. 

Tea Tree Oil benefits #5 - Clean Minor Cuts and Abrasions

Minor cuts and abrasions can benefit from the antimicrobial action of tea tree oil, which cleanses the area and wards off infection. Clean the area thoroughly with plain soap and water, and rinse any soap off, making sure there is no dirt or debris left over.

Mix a drop of tea tree oil with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and apply a small dab directly to the cut. Rinse clean and reapply 1-2 times daily as needed. You can also smear a bit of the tea tree/coconut oil mixture on the inside of a regular adhesive bandage and place it over the cut.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #6 - Repel Pests

The smell of tea tree oil is often times enough to deter pests. In nature, the essential oil in the plant may play a role in warding off potential creatures that would otherwise enjoy it as a tasty snack, so why wouldn’t it work as a bottled essential oil?

Add 20 drops or so to a spray bottle and fill with water. Shake and spray around cracks, doorways, and any other potential pest entrances.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #7 - Fight Bad Breath

Your mouth is home to a host of bacteria, most of it good, but some of it that’s not so welcome. A common cause of bad breath is an overgrowth of unwanted bacteria.

Tea tree oil, being so effective at wiping out bacteria, can also be hugely helpful in preventing bad breath at the source. It’s not a cure, but it is a helpful tool to have for your care regime.

Much like you’d do for a sore throat, mix a drop with a cup of warm water and swish around your mouth, through your teeth, and gargle. Gargling is important, as bacteria likes to reside at the back of the throat. Repeat 1-2 times daily.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #8 - DIY Deodorant

If it can deodorize your garbage can, it can deodorize you. There are two types of sweat glands on our body - apocrine and eccrine.

Eccrine sweat glands cover most of the body, and really, the vast majority of sweat doesn’t smell at all (truly, the next time you find yourself with a sweaty leg or palm, sniff it. You won’t smell anything.)

Apocrine sweat glands, on the other hand, lurk in culprit areas around the armpits and genitals. They are inactive until puberty and then they decide to make that awkward time of your life even more awkward.

The sweat secreted by apocrine sweat glands is thicker than typical sweat, and feeds the bacteria on our skin. It is the bacteria breaking down and decomposing the sweat that releases the odor.

See where this connects to tea tree oil? Since tea tree oil fights bacteria…the less bacteria breaking down sweat…the less odor you have to contend with. The Everyday Roots Book has a great recipe for a DIY stick deodorant featuring tea tree oil that works wonderfully.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #9 - Deodorize Garbage/Diaper Pail

If you dread opening the trash (or a diaper pail, if you happen to use one) a dash of tea tree oil might be just the thing to solve the problem. It also helps prevent bacteria from growing.

I make a scented baking soda for extra odor killing power. Add roughly ¼-1/2 teaspoon of tea tree oil to a half or one cup of baking soda and mix the lumps out with a fork. Simply re-cycle a shaker (such as one used for parmesan) and shake into the bottom of a fresh bag to help keep the odor down.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #10 - Banish Mildew

Mildew is made up of little fungal filaments and tends to look white (sometimes black), “powdery”, or fuzzy. It likes to grow on surfaces (particularly organic ones such as wood) that are damp and warm.
Luckily, most cases are superficial, and can be wiped away easily.

In order to avoiding conditions that encourage mildew (e.g. opening the windows after a shower to avoid dampness and humidity), you can mix 5-10 drops of tea tree oil with 1 cup of water in a spray bottle. Shake well before each application.

Spray directly onto the mildew and allow it to sit for 3-5 minutes before wiping it clean with a damp cloth. Wipe the spot dry when everything is spick and span. The tea tree oil should inhibit the growth of future bacteria, as long as the conditions are well managed.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #11 - Ease Itchy Bug Bites

I am from Minnesota - I can handle hordes of Jurassic mosquitos without batting an eye. But when I recently left my frigid northern climate to enjoy some time in warmth and sun, I was taken down by sand fleas. The nasty buggers just ripped my ankles and lower legs to shreds and I have never felt so tormented in my life.

Normally I am prepared with some sort of remedy on hand, but for some reason I failed this trip. I attempted to use a bottle of that roll on anti-itch stuff, which burned with the fire of ten thousand suns, and then didn’t work at all. I needed my tea tree oil (which of course I didn’t have on this time.)

Early studies have shown that tea tree oil can play a role in decreasing the severity of what is known as the wheal and flare reaction. When an allergen or irritant comes in contact with the skin - such as the substance secreted by mosquitos-, the body releases histamine - a neurotransmitter that causes reactions such as itchiness, redness, and swelling.

The reaction on the skin will take place in two parts. First, a raised, red or flesh colored lump, will raise. This is the wheal part of the reaction. Following this is the flare, which is a ring of red, irritated skin that surrounds the wheal.

Tea tree oil doesn’t appear to have much effect on the flare, however it did significantly reduce the volume of the wheal. So, it has some effect on taming histamine induced skin irritation.

This means that dabbing a bit of tea tree oil (diluted in coconut oil) onto a bug bite can reduce the severity of the initial reaction and soothe the burning itching sensation that is so torturous.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #12 - Ease Psoriasis

Psoriasis is characterized by “plaques”, or areas of red, scaly sometimes inflamed skin. These areas develop when skin production is faster than the body’s ability to shed it. There is no cure for psoriasis, but there are things you can do to ease the discomfort and possibly speed the healing of the effective area.

Thanks to tea tree oil’s anti-inflammatory properties, it is precisely what some people need to find relief. Mixed with coconut oil-which acts as a carrier for the oil and provides moisture to the skin - it can make a healing salve.

Mix 10 drops of tea tree oil with 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil. Apply just enough to cover the affected area. Repeat 2-3 times daily as needed.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #13 - All-Purpose Surface Cleaner

It’s a bit counterproductive to try and make your counter tops more food-friendly by wiping them down with caustic chemicals. For a gentle and effective all-purpose cleaner, mix 20-25 drops of tea tree oil with ¼ cup of water and a ½ cup of distilled white vinegar in a spray bottle. Shake well, spray directly onto surfaces, and wipe down with a clean cloth.

Remember the oil won’t mix with the water or vinegar, hence the shaking. Also be aware that it will not be diluted in water or vinegar, so avoid spraying directly onto your skin. While plenty of people are fine - and it has never personally bothered me- some people are irritated by the oil in its “neat” form.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #14 - Make a Stuffy Nose Salve

When you find yourself with a terribly stuffed up nose, doing the tea tree oil steam bath is a great way to clear out the blockage. But for the times when it’s not convenient to put a towel over your head and lean over a bowl of steaming water, try making a handy little salve to dab under your nostrils to ease the stuffiness.

Simply mix 3 drops of tea tree oil with 2 drops of peppermint and 2 drops of eucalyptus oil with 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil. Pour into a lip balm tin and allow it to cool. Apply sparingly under nose when needed.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #15 - Make Mouthwash

Bacteria in the mouth - it can be a good thing and a bad thing. Mostly it’s a good thing, but when there’s an overabundance, it can lead to halitosis, or chronic bad breath.

By now I probably don’t even need to say it, but I’ll say it anyways - tea tree oil with its antibacterial properties can help kill off excess bacteria, which cause bad breath. Mix 2 drops of tea tree oil with 1 drop of peppermint oil in 1 cup of fresh water. Swish, gargle, and make sure to spit it out!

Tea Tree Oil benefits #16 - More Ways to Freshen Up

There are many uses for tea tree oil when it comes to freshening up. In addition to making a great ingredient in homemade deodorant, when added to bath water, tea tree oil can help freshen you up. Unlike many soaps and washes, it keeps you truly clean, rather than simply covering up odor.

Add 15 drops to 2 tablespoons of liquid oil. When the tub is halfway full, add the oil. As you bathe swish it around to break it up. While the oil won’t mix with the water, you want it as a carrier. Soak for 20 minutes and then dry off with a clean fluffy towel.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #17 - Cleanse the Washing Machine

I am ashamed to admit that I used to use those disgusting packets of chemical powder to deodorize my washing machine. I just liked the smell of a fresh machine so much, and it felt so great to wash clothes in it that I was a bit…blinded.

Given the dog blankets and saddle pads that go through my machine, it was also kind of necessary to freshen it up in some way. Needless to say, that phase is well behind me.

If you want to freshen up your washing machine, add 10-15 drops of tea tree oil to the empty drum and run it on the hot cycle to get rid of any bacteria and odor.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #18 - Fight Acne

Our skin is a thriving environment full of living microbes. Like the mouth, certain bacteria on the surface of the skin are necessary. On the other hand, some bacteria, such propiobacterium acnes (P. acnes)*can cause breakouts that aren’t so welcome.

More so than fighting bacteria (which is only minor cause of acne) tea tree oil’s terpenes penetrate your pores, loosening up blocked oil and dirt that cause whiteheads, blackheads, and those painful red breakouts.

Mix a drop or 2 with a smidge of coconut oil and use a cotton swab to apply. Avoid using your fingertips, which just introduces more dirt. Coconut oil may seem counterintuitive, but most people don’t have a problem with it on their skin.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #19 - Athletes Foot (anti-fungal) Powder

Arrowroot powder is obtained from the rhizome of several tropical plants, and it is useful in quelling odor as well as providing a moisture absorbing base for this anti-fungal powder. The moisture absorbing part is important, as the fungus that causes athletes foot loves damp, moist places - aka sweaty shoes!

The baking soda will also help with odor, sweating, and soothe any itchiness. Tea tree oil is of course the star here, doing battle with the actual fungus itself, and inhibiting its ability to replicate.

Rustle up a shaker (you can buy plain ones, or re-purpose one of those parmesan shaker containers) and add ¼ cup of arrowroot powder, and ¼ cup of baking soda.

Add 20 drops of tea tree oil to the powder, spreading the droplets out as best you can. Use a fork to mash in the little lumps and then add it to your container. Rinse your feet and pat them dry, then apply powder afterwards. Repeat twice daily.

It is easiest to do this in the bathtub or show because it can make a bit of a mess! Use (clean) hands to evenly spread the powder. Shake well before each use, and store in a cool dark place.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #20 - Sore Muscle Soak

As it seems to help with inflammation, it makes sense that tea tree oil would provide welcome relief from sore, tight, inflamed, muscles. As someone who suffers from tension headaches rather frequently, anything that helps release tension in my muscles is a friend.

Epsom salts, thought to help relax muscles because of its magnesium content (magnesium plays a vital role in the contraction and relaxation of muscles) makes the perfect carrier for the tea tree oil.

First dilute 10 drops of tea tree oil in any neutral oil, and mix into the Epsom salt. Fill the tub halfway with warm water, add the salt, and top off the tub. Relax, enjoy, and unwind.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #21 - Freshen Dryer Loads

Tea tree oil works in more than just the washing machine. If your clothes have a damp mildew smell to them, add several drops to wool dryer balls to freshen up the clothes if you don’t have time (or don’t want to) re-wash them.

If you don’t have wool dryer balls, you can simply recycle a clean cotton t-shirt. Cut it into 5 inch squares, and add 5 drops of tea tree oil to it. Toss it in the dryer with your clothes as you would any other dryer sheet.

When you find the scent starts to lose its potency, simply refresh with a few more drops. I like to wash these every few weeks before re-scenting them-it’s not necessary, but does ensure everything feels extra clean all the time.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #22 - Fight Foot Odor

As bacteria and/or fungus is often times the culprit behind foot odor, you can prepare your own foot soak with tea tree oil can help freshen up your feet.

Bring several cups of water to a boil and pour into a basin. Steep several sprigs of rosemary for 10-15 minutes. In the meantime, add 15 drops of tea tree oil to 2 1/2 tablespoons of liquid oil (grapeseed, almond, jojoba, olive, etc.)

When the rosemary has finished steeping add the tea tree oil mixture to the water. Yes, it will separate-oil and water tend to do that. Simply swish the water around with your feet now and again. Soak for 15 minutes twice daily and pat your feet dry.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #23 - Draw Out A Splinter

A little splinter seems harmless enough, until the skin around it gets hot, swollen, and too tender to touch, making it difficult to work the splinter out.

To ward off bacteria and potential infection, add 3 drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon or so of liquid neutral oil. Add this plus 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to a bowl of warm water.

Soak your finger for 5-10 minutes to soften up the skin and loosen the splinter, and then work it out by applying pressure just below it. Use a tweezers to grab it when it protrudes, but be sure to get the whole thing and not just break off a piece of it!

Tea Tree Oil benefits #24 - Keep Your Garden Mildew-Free

This is a more specific use for tea tree oil and our fight against mildew. Over the summer I was tending to a friend’s magnificent garden while they were out of town, and noticed some powdery mildew that was taking over.

If tea tree oil can fight mildew in the home, why not in the garden? Use the same formula as above and spray lightly on plants with mildew. Reapply daily as needed, but test it on a few leaves first. Most plants are fine, but don’t go dousing them-there’s always too much of a good thing.

Tea Tree Oil benefits #25 - Toothbrush/Retainer Cleaner

Where do bacteria love to congregate? Moist surfaces! What tends to be moist and then locked into cupboards or plastic cases? They are your toothbrushes and retainers.

Mix 10 drops of tea tree oil with 1 cup of water. Once a week for your toothbrush, or every other day for your retainer, swish it around in the water to kill bacteria, then rinse with plain water and allow it to dry before locking it back up.

Watch this Video HERE for other tea tree oil benefits.

The Low Down on Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil (TTO) is typically extracted from the leaves via steam distillation, and maintains its potency for roughly 1 year from the date of distillation when properly stored in a dark glass bottle and out of direct sunlight.

Tea tree oil is noted for its anti-microbial properties, fighting bacteria, inhibiting the growth of fungi, and potentially wiping out certain viruses. Research has determined that it derives its benefits from terpene hydrocarbons.

While there are numerous terpenes (approximately 100) that make up tea tree oil, terpinen-4-ol is largely responsible for its antibacterial properties. A standard for TTO is maintained that requires all commercially available oil to have a minimum amount of terpinen-4-ol, with no upper limit, to maximize its broad spectrum antimicrobial activity.

TTO works in several different ways to fight microbes. When studying the mechanism of its actions on E. coli, S. aureus (bacterium that can lead to staph infections) and C. albicans (a yeast) it was found that it mainly affected two things - cellular respiration, leading to decreased oxygen intake, and increased cell permeability.

The decreased oxygen harms the cells as it is a vital component in the electron transport chain that makes up the process of cellular respiration. Without this process, there is no way to create usable energy, and no way for the cell to continue functioning.

When cell permeability is increased, foreign substances can penetrate the cell membrane more easily, and the cell can “leak” vital components.

There is some tentative research into how tea tree oil has anti-viral properties, particularly when it comes to the herpes-simplex virus. And while it’s true that there really isn’t much to be done once the virus takes a hold of your body, when outside floating around in the environment, some can be rendered ineffective by tea tree oil.

In short - tea tree oil is an awesome tool with a powerful array of anti-microbial properties at its disposal. It’s not an almighty cure-all, but it is pretty dang handy.

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Here are 4 Absolutely Best Hair Treatments Using Honey

Beautiful hair is healthy hair, and healthy hair is not the product of what you find on the shelves in stores, but rather in your own kitchen. Here are the 4 best hair treatments using honey.

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Hair is pretty incredible. Although technically dead when it is outside of your scalp, it can still be “healthy” or damaged.

Today we put so many products into our hair, apply high levels of heat to it, just to sculpt it a certain way, achieve a certain look, without second thought about what we’re actually doing.

In my opinion, beautiful hair is healthy hair, and healthy hair is not the product of what you find on the shelves in stores, but rather in your own kitchen.

Why Using Honey (and the other stuff) can be the Best Hair Treatments?

If you have dry or damaged hair, honey can help. A natural humectant, honey attracts moisture. It’s also full of antioxidants and nutrients to feed hair follicles that house the live part of hair, encouraging hair growth.

That being said, honey also needs a medium to help spread it around, otherwise you can end up with just a sticky mess, so the recipes include other natural ingredients that help you restore dry hair to a health and luster, from the scalp up.

Below Here are 4 Best Hair Treatments for Dry and Damaged Hair Using Honey

Best Hair Treatments #1 - Just Honey

This recipe contains just honey and water, nothing extra added or needed!

You will need…

-1/4 cup of organic raw honey
-Fresh water


Mix ¼ cup of organic raw honey with just enough fresh water to thin it out to the point where you can spread it around your hair (add it tablespoon by tablespoon.)

Obviously this depends on how much hair you have-you can up the amount of honey if you need to. When you’re ready, apply as you would shampoo to damp hair and let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Best Hair Treatments #2 - Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is added here as it leaves hair with lovely shine and acts a natural conditioner.

You will need…

-1/4 cup of organic raw honey
-10 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar


Mix together honey and ACV. Apply as you would shampoo to damp hair, and let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse out with warm water.

Best Hair Treatments #3 - Honey and Olive Oil

Olive oil can create a big difference in moisture after just a few uses, and promotes a healthy scalp and hair roots. It also helps smooth and coat dry and damaged hair shafts.

You will need…

-1/2 cup of honey
-1/4 cup of olive oil


Mix together ½ cup of honey and ¼ cup of olive oil, warming the mixture slightly if you need to. Apply to hair as needed.

Best Hair Treatments #4 - Honey and Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, like olive oil, helps moisturize hair and hair roots. It seems to add a little bit more shine (in my opinion) and is a little lighter as well. It’s packed full of nutrients that make it an automatic go to ingredient in hair treatments.

You will need….

-1/4 cup of honey
-3 tablespoons of warmed coconut oil


Combine coconut oil and honey and blend thoroughly. Work into damp hair as you would shampoo. Let sit for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Much of what you see in stores is just different ratios of basically the same stuff with different fragrances. With honey, you know what you’re getting every time, and personally, I love the results.

I like to think of my hair as fairly healthy overall, but with the dry winter months coming up, a little extra moisture and conditioning is always wanted.

Tips for Best Hair Treatments

-Stick to raw organic honey. If you have to warm it a little bit that’s fine, but the ultra-pasteurized clear stuff you buy at the supermarket really doesn’t have many benefits.

-Try adding some honey to your regular shampoo or conditioner if you don’t feel like making up a separate treatment.

-Avoid harsh products and heat treatment (like straightening your hair every day.) Natural is beautiful!

-Be aware of the type of hair that you have. Applying olive oil and honey to limp, thin, hair that is prone to getting oily will probably just make it greasier and heavier.

-There’s no need to use these treatments every day. Once or twice a week should be sufficient.

-Be patient. Applying honey to damaged and dry hair is not going restore it to perfect condition right away.

You can also watch this Video Here for more ideas to get the best hair treatments.

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

How to Actually Homemake the Best Aloe Face Wash?

Washing your face feels good. It wakes you up, makes you feel fresh and clean and ready to face the day, and can help clear up certain skin issues. This particular aloe face wash is quite simple to make at home, and it works well on all types of skin. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Discover the 215+ Home Remedies, NaturalBeauty Recipes & DIY Household Products

Washing your face feels good. It wakes you up, makes you feel fresh and clean and ready to face the day, and can help clear up certain skin issues. This particular face wash is quite simple, and I have found that it works well on all types of skin, from dry to oily combination (oily and dry at the same time- it defies all reason and is extremely frustrating!)   

Keep in mind two things- first, that everybody is different, and face wash tends to be one of those things that is very personal- I swear people get intense about their face wash, and become fiercely loyal to it. And, why not, if it works?

Second, feel free to tweak the recipe. A nice lemon, lime, or orange essential oil is nice if you’re looking for a wash that will perk you up in the morning. You may need to order a few things since most people don’t have the ingredients lying around there house- but that’s the beauty of the internet isn’t it?

Why Use Aloe Vera Gel: The real question here is, why not aloe face wash? It’s a great go-to for anything skin related, helping to heal abrasions to soothing sunburns.

Aloe gel contains glycoproteins and polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are vital to help with skin growth and repair, as well as retaining moisture.

Glycoproteins are, simply, a carbohydrate attached to a protein. There’s a lot of talk about them reducing wrinkles, but I wouldn’t go that far. But when combined with polysaccharides, they form substances that compose the skins intercellular matrix, which keeps skin cells and structure intact.

Basically, intercellular matrix is a fancy way of saying the stuff that holds layers of skin cells together. It keeps moisture in, and bad things out. For the record, there’s more to the intercellular matrix than just glycoproteins and polysaccharides, but that’s information for another day.

On top of this, aloe helps fight inflammation, which can be useful if you experience painful cystic acne.

Why Castile Soap: Pure castile soap is vegetable oil based, as opposed to tallow (animal fat) based. It’s gentle and efficient, and removes make-up, dirt, sweat, and excess oils from your skin. It’s the main cleanser in this aloe face wash.

Why jojoba wax: Jojoba is actually a wax-not an oil-although many people (including myself occasionally) will refer to it as jojoba oil because of its liquid state.

Jojoba is an incredible skin care product, truly one of my favorites, as its chemical structure resembles human sebum-the natural oil that coats our skin and keeps it supple.

Jojoba contains proteins, minerals, and a waxy substance that mimics collagen (the stuff that basically holds our bodies together.)

Why White Clay: Cosmetic clays are the cherry on your skin care sundae, and white clay is the mildest and most common form of them all. It is mildly abrasive to help exfoliate the skin and stimulate circulation, but is not drying.

Why Lavender Essential Oil: Soothing, relaxing, non-irritating, and healing, lavender essential oil adds all of the above benefits and more to this aloe face wash.

You will need…

-4 tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel
-2 ½ teaspoons of jojoba wax (also referred to as jojoba oil)
-2 ½ teaspoons of liquid castile soap
-1/2-1 teaspoon of white cosmetic clay
-1 drop of lavender essential oil
-A plastic bottle


Combine all of your ingredients except the clay in your bottle and shake well. Add the clay, and shake well again. For use, wet your face with water and pour a dime to quarter sized amount of cleanser into your hands.

Use it like you would any other face wash-rub in gentle circular motions for a bit and then rinses clean. Follow up with a gentle moisturizer if your skin tends to feel dry after washing.

You may want to watch this Video HERE for more ideas to create your own aloe face wash to remove dark spots, acne scars and pimple marks.

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book

Monday, September 5, 2016

6 Ways to Naturally Prevent and Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs

Instead of constantly applying synthetic repellents which may contain harmful chemicals, there are natural substitutes you can turn to that can help you to get rid of fleas on dogs.

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I share my life with many four-legged friends, owning 2 dogs and fostering at least 2 others at any given time. My canine companions make up a huge part of my life so, naturally, I want to care for them…naturally.

Like human medications popular dog medications, such as flea and tick preventatives, are full of strange chemicals that could have potentially harmful side effects.

If you have little ones running around the house, you don’t want them getting into the medication or touching the dog after it’s applied. Since I foster and have rescues coming in from all kinds of places, I have to be up on the flea care year round.

Instead of constantly applying synthetic repellents, there are natural substitutes I can turn to that can help keep the little beasties at bay.

Why the ingredients: The essential oils/ingredients used here are all natural insecticide/pesticides, shown to either kill or deter the pests due to their various compounds/naturally occurring chemicals. Indeed, many of them are found in commercial flea/tick preventative.

Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs #1 - Flea collar

A flea collar is a great way to ward off fleas without always having to reapply something topically, and it keeps the flea control constant and steady.

You will need…

-3-5 drops of cedar oil or lavender oil
- 1-3 tablespoons of water
-Bandana OR your dog’s collar
-an eyedropper (optional)


Dilute 2-3 drops of your chosen oil in 1-3 tablespoons of water. Some people use the oil undiluted, but I personally feel it should always be diluted, even if it’s only by a little.

Next, pick out a bandana to be the flea collar- I think a bandana is preferable because you can take it on and off and your dog’s collar won’t smell. It’s always fun to get creative with patterns and colors here.

If you go up to ½ teaspoon you can use up to 5 drops of the liquid. Using an eyedropper or other similar means, apply 5-10 drops of the mixture to the bandana and rub the sides of the fabric together, and then tie it about your dog’s neck in a snazzy way.

Reapply oil mixture to the collar once a week. In conjunction with this, 1 or 2 drops of oil diluted with at least 1 tablespoon of olive oil can be placed at the base of your dog’s tail.

Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs #2 - Flea deterring drink- can be used alongside any of these remedies.

You will need…

-1 teaspoon white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar


For every 40 pound dog add 1 teaspoon of white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar to 1 quart of their drinking water.

We highly recommend using Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar . Not only does it deter fleas, it improves a pup’s skin and coat condition from the inside-out.

Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs #3- Flea comb

This contains lemon and lemon contains something called limonene, which is a chemical that kills and repels fleas but is harmless to us or our pets.

You will need…

-1 freshly sliced up lemon
-1 pot of fresh water
-a comb, sponge, or brush


Boil a pot of water and add the slices of a freshly cut lemon to it. Turn off the heat after the lemons has been added and cover the pot, letting the mixture steep overnight.

The next day dip a comb or your pets brush in the liquid (make sure it’s sufficiently cool) and run it through their hair. A sponge works as well, especially if you have a very short haired breed.

A quick version is to bring water to a vigorous boil and then pour over a freshly sliced lemon. Then just dip the comb, let it cool, and use as above.

Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs #4 - Flea spray

As a bonus, your pup will get a nice gleaming finish to their coat after using this flea spray.

You will need…

-1 cup white distilled vinegar OR 1 cup apple cider vinegar OR a 50/50 blend of both
-1 quart fresh water
-2-3 drops of lavender or cedar oil
-a decent sized spray bottle


The essential oil isn’t vital, but it certainly gives the spray an extra edge (and a nice smell.) If you’re using it, add 2-3 drops as you add 1 cup of white distilled vinegar/apple cider vinegar/both to 1 quart of fresh water.

Fill your spray bottle, and mist your dog, being careful not to get it in their eyes, nose, or ears-aka avoid spraying near the face.

To get up around the neck and behind the ears/their chin area, dampen a soft cloth with the mixture and wipe it on. Spray your pets bedding and around it with this mixture lightly as well.

Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs #5 - Flea (be-gone) bag

This little sachet contains things that smell pleasant to us, but that drive pests away from your pet.

You will need…

-Two 6 inch squares of breathable fabric (such as muslin)
-a rough handful of cedar chips
-1-2 teaspoons of dried lavender buds
-the peel of 1 lemon


Follow the instructions on how to make a sachet here if you need more detail. Cut 2 6 inch squares of fabric and place them together inside out. Sew all but 1 side and turn inside out.

Fill with a rough handful of fragrant cedar chips, 1-2 teaspoons of lavender, and 1 lemon peel. Leave enough room at the top so you can tie it off with a ribbon or sew it shut (tying allows you to reuse it when the contents lose their potency.)

Place under your pets bed/bedding or near it to ward off fleas. Change the mixture every month or so.

Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs #6 - Flea bath - wash your pup with this weekly to deter fleas.

You will need…

-A half a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice*
-1 ½ – 2 cups of fresh water
-1/4 –1/2 cup of mild pet-friendly soap or shampoo


Stir together a half a cup of lemon juice, 1 ½ cups of water, and ¼ cup of mild pet-friendly shampoo or soap. Bottle and label and bathe weekly to keep fleas away.

*amounts will vary depending on the size of your dog. As a general rule of thumb, use 2 parts water to every ½ cup of soap and lemon juice.

NOTE: You must always dilute essential oil before using them. Pay attention to and read and respect your dog’s body language. It may sound odd, but let them sniff the different scents and see how they react.

Whichever one you think they “like” the most, or will tolerate should be the one you use. It is estimated that dogs can identify scents 1,000-10,000 times better than humans.

Imagine something you hate the smell of, and then imagine it being rubbed all over your body and smelling it 1,000 times stronger!

I cannot begin to say how engrained into my life dogs are. Their wellbeing is of the utmost importance to me, and if I can avoid strange chemicals, I will do so in the same way I avoid them myself. Dogs are natural beings, just as we are, and should rightly be treated as such.

You may want to watch this Video HERE to find out more about other ideas to get rid of fleas on dogs.

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

Friday, September 2, 2016

How to Use Bread and Lemon to Get Rid of Corns and Calluses on Feet, Toes, Hands?

Click HERE to Discover the 215+ Home Remedies, NaturalBeauty Recipes & DIY Household Products

The pictures of smooth pampered skin that surround us on TV, in magazines, and throughout movies just aren’t realistic.

Reality is that the majority of people use their bodies (you know, walk around, garden, and what not) and eventually our daily routines start to wear on our skin.

After a while this repeated friction forms a hardened patch of skin, known as a callus (or a corn, if it is shaped/behaves a certain way.)

While not generally much of a problem, if you want to get rid of corns and calluses on your skin for some reason, try using these simple methods instead of purchasing store bought creams.

Get Rid of Corns and Calluses #1

Bread & Vinegar “Bandage”

This “bandage” (or paste, if that’s how you decide to make it) sounds strange and off-putting, but works well!

Why bread: The bread is mostly a means of application, and has become the preferred method thanks to it being embedded in natural remedy lore.

Using bread also means you have the option to make a paste as well, and you don’t have to waste a sponge!

Why vinegar: Vinegar is anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, and the liquid with its high acidity level helps to soften the callused skin.

You will need…

-A piece of bread
-1 cup
Apple cider vinegar or white distilled vinegar (roughly)
-gauze or thin fabric
-adhesive tape
-pumice stone (optional)


If you have one, file the callus slightly with a pumice stone. Pour 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar (or white distilled vinegar) into a bowl. Drop in a half slice of bread and let it soak.

When it is thoroughly soaked through, rest directly on your callus and wrap in gauze, before securing the gauze with adhesive or medical tape.

You can also mash up the bread and form a paste to smear on and then wrap gauze over that. The size of bread and the amount of vinegar can be varied depending on the size of the area you want to cover.

Get Rid of Corns and Calluses #2

Lemon Paste

Rub this simple paste on a callus or corn to soften it as often as needed.

Why lemon juice: The high acidity of the lemon juice works to soften the hardened skin that makes up your callus/corn. It’s a way to soften it other than simply soaking it.

Why olive oil: The olive oil will moisten your skin and counteract the astringent properties of the lemon juice to ensure your skin does not dry out.

Why baking soda: The crystals in sodium bicarbonate will exfoliate your skin, scrubbing away dead cells, while it also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. It also helps the paste retain consistency and stay moist.

You will need…
-several tablespoons of lemon juice
-2 teaspoons of olive oil
-Baking soda


Mix together 2 or 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of olive oil.

Add baking soda until a paste thick enough to stay in place forms.

Store in a container with a tightly fitting lid away from direct sunlight, and apply as often as needed. Cover with gauze or another thin fabric if you don’t want to get the paste on anything.

Sometimes a callus is a useful thing, and sometimes we want to get rid of it.

If you decide you don’t want that little tough patch of skin any longer, these remedies to get rid of corns and calluses are a simple and easy way to get it to go away.

Not only are these methods simple and effective, but they cost much less than store-bought stuff as well.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn about other ways to get rid of corns and calluses.

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

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