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Friday, August 26, 2016

12 Remedies for Fighting Fatigue and When You Always Feel Tired

Fatigue is a tricky thing because you have to not only figure out what’s causing it, but also be dedicated to overcoming it. Read on here to learn about the 12 remedies for fighting fatigue.

Click HERE to Discover the 215+ Home Remedies, NaturalBeauty Recipes & DIY Household Products

Our existences are anything but simple, and most of us will find ourselves overworked and exhausted from time to time-or all the time. Fatigue, true fatigue, is much more than feeling overworked and just being sleepy, although it can make you want to curl up in bed and forget the rest of the world.

Fatigue creeps into everyday life and effects your physical and mental well-being making it very difficult, if not impossible, to get things done.

My own personal struggles with fatigue at point strained relationships - it is hard for people to understand that horrible exhaustion unless they experience it themselves. To the outside world, you just look lazy when all you want to do is lie in bed.

Fatigue is a difficult thing to manage, as it is such a vague symptom or condition. There’s physical fatigue, emotional fatigue, fatigue as a symptom or as a disease in and of itself.

There is a good chance there’s an underlying medical condition causing fatigue, for example depression or low blood sugar, and this must be addressed before you can hope to get rid of the exhaustion.

But if you haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause of your fatigue (and of course you’ve had it checked out by a doctor) it can often times be traced back to a number of habits and lifestyles that seem to have a tendency to develop in the modern world.

If you find it dogging your footsteps and dragging you down, don’t sink into despair, there are plenty of changes you can make and natural remedies you can utilize to fight the feeling effectively.

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #1 - Get active

We’re awfully quick to assume that if we feel exhausted, we should take a nap. But have you ever noticed that if you lie in bed all day, barring recovery or illness, you feel more sluggish?

Your head may feel a bit fuzzy and achy, and you feel like energy was sucked out of your body, instead of replenished. This is because over-resting or sleeping has the exact opposite effect we want it to have, while exercise boosts our energy long-term.

If you are feeling fatigued and not moving around much, you may just need a good regular dose of fresh air to rejuvenate your body and mind. As a bonus, when you do rest, it will feel that much better and be that much more refreshing than if you’d sat around all day and done nothing.

Getting active also improves mood, thanks to the endorphins being released, and feeling gloomy is a major contributor to fatigue.

Note: Excessive or extreme activity can sometimes create feelings of fatigue, however you generally feel refreshed in the long term.

You will need…

-A good pair of shoes (optional, unless you plan on walking into a store.)


It is of the utmost importance that you keep your exercise regular to boost your energy, particularly long-term. Don’t set the bar too high in the beginning if you think you’ll easily get discouraged attempting a 4 mile run. Just lace up, slip on, or leave off your shoes and get outside.

Take your dog for a walk, go for a casual stroll-anything-even a little exercise is better than none. If the weather isn’t cooperating, turn on some tunes and come up with an indoor workout routine. As you get into the habit, slowly increase your level of activity.

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #2 - Sip Some Potato Water

While a brimming glass of fresh potato water may not sound like the first thing you’d want to relax on a hot summer day with, it’s actually a great home remedy for fatigue.

Soaking slices of potato in water makes a potassium rich drink that can help you feel less tired and sluggish, as it replenishes a mineral many people have trouble getting enough of.

Like magnesium, the body does not produce potassium - we have to consume it from outside sources. Because our diets these days tend to lean towards being nutrient deficient, it’s no wonder we find ourselves lacking in the potassium department.

Potassium doesn’t give you a direct jolt of energy, per say, but along with magnesium (as well as chloride and calcium) it is an electrolyte that is vital for the proper functioning of our cells and the release of energy and the conduction of electricity.

Without enough of potassium, our muscles wouldn’t move properly and our nerve impulses wouldn’t fire right. By ensuring you have healthy levels of potassium, you can get an edge on feeling dull and tired all the time.

You will need…

-1 unpeeled potato
-8 ounces of fresh water


Slice up the potato (there’s no need to peel it- I realize I show them peeled in the photo but I went on auto pilot) and add to a glass of water. Allow it to steep overnight in the fridge, and drink first thing in the morning.

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #3 - Boost Red-Blood Cells

Iron is important. Without it, our bodies cannot produce enough red blood cells. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, the iron rich protein that carries oxygen throughout our body.

Many people think of oxygen’s use ending when it enters our lungs, but it must travel throughout our bodies and get delivered to all of our cells and organs for them to function.

As you can imagine, a lack of oxygen would lead to a decrease in the bodies functioning, which will result in fatigue. This is called iron-deficiency anaemia.

To combat this, make a tea with nettle leaf (fresh is preferred but dry works as well.) Nettle is rich in iron, as well as vitamin C.

Vitamin C is relevant because it has been shown to help increase the absorption of non-heme iron (iron found in plants vs. fish, meat, etc.) which isn’t always absorbed as easily as heme iron.

Adding in some dandelion boosts the iron content of this tea even more but beware-it is bitter, so I recommend plenty of honey!

You will need…

-1 cup each fresh dandelion & nettle OR 2 teaspoons each dried dandelion and nettle
-1 cup of freshly boiled water
-Your favorite mug


Bring water to a boil and place your herbs in a mug. Pour the boiling water over them and cover, steeping for 10 minutes. Remove the herbs, add plenty of honey to taste, and drink 2 times daily.

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #4 - Get Some Ginseng

Possibly the “most famous of all Chinese herbs” - that’s a hefty title, considering Chinese herbal medicine dates back hundreds of thousands of years and is full of staple herbs and natural ingredients.

But Ginseng has a special place in history, although it’s many varieties can make utilizing it a little confusing. Ginseng refers to any one of 11 species of slow-growing perennials in the genus Panax.

Ginseng is found in North America as well as in Eastern Asia. It is often referred to as an “adaptogenic” herb, which means it helps the body adjust to stress-whether that stress is caused by being in an extreme heat or cold, hunger, or exhaustion/fatigue (just think adaptogens = adapt to stress.)

Ginseng is thought to help the body in coping with stress by improving the health of the adrenal system, which is the body’s command center when it comes to your hormonal response to stress.

Cortisol, the “stress” hormone, can effect if you sleep through the night, and dictate if you can fall back asleep, as it suppresses melatonin, which we need to have a regular sleep/awake cycle.

Too much cortisol, and you could be left feeling fatigued and exhausted because your sleep is disrupted. In the morning our cortisol levels are at their peak, and then gradually fall throughout the day, but if they remain too high, this diurnal rhythm will get thrown off, as will the precious sleep that you need to rejuvenate.

Having a bit of ginseng may help regulate your cortisol, and help you get the rest you need to function properly.

You will need…

-1 tablespoon of dried ginseng root OR 1 inch of fresh ginseng root
-1 cup of fresh water
-Honey/lemon to taste

Slice up 1 inch of ginseng root into small pieces, or place 1 tablespoon of dried ginseng in a tea ball. Cover with hot water and steep, covered, for 10 minutes.

Stir in honey and or lemon to taste and replace your morning coffee. Ginseng must be drank daily to have any effect.

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #5 - Perk-Up With Citrus

I adore citrus in pretty much all its forms. From lemon juice to orange juice and everything in between, it never ceases to come in handy for home remedies, and it’s refreshing as all get up.

In the case of fatigue, start off your day with a glass of lemon water. The smell of a freshly sliced lemon alone will perk you up instantly, and the hydration will set your day up for success.

Lemon water helps a number of conditions - such as preventing constipation - but there’s something about it that just revitalizes a tired body.

If you find yourself dragging in the middle of the day, treat yourself to another glass. I couldn’t list off the chemical and molecular components of lemon water that fight fatigue, I can just say anecdotally that I (among many others) find it almost wondrous in regards to keeping up on energy.


Squeeze the half of a freshly sliced lemon/lime into a full glass of water. If it’s winter, make it warm water-if it’s summer, enjoy it chilled! Drink the whole thing, and repeat twice daily (with a mid-day boost if needed.)

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #6 - Make Your Own Energy Drink

Don’t turn to store-bought “energy drinks.” They are, I think, one of the most ridiculous marketing schemes to take over in recent years. You’re paying an absurd amount for something that is doing you more harm than good - and it’s really not going to wake you up in the long run.

It will, in all reality, probably make things worse. So make your own instead -  they’re delicious, satisfying, good for you, and will give you the wonderful long lasting energy you’re looking for.

You will need…
-1/4 cup of freshly squeezed lime juice
-1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
-1 ½ to 2 cups fresh water, depending on how strong you want the flavor
-1/8 teaspoon of sea salt
-2 tablespoons natural sugar or honey, to taste


Toss everything into a food blender and blend until the honey is dissolved, or just use some elbow grease and blend it by hand. Pour yourself a tall glass, drop in a few ice cubes, and enjoy.

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #7 - Hello, Yoga

Like so many things that become trendy, yoga’s image has been somewhat distorted. If you avoid it because you think of it as a craze that attracts flocks of young folks hanging out before hopping over to the juice bar, just erase that thought.

Sure that might be part of it now, but yoga dates back to roughly 5th and 6th centuries B.C., well before stretchy pants became a staple of closets across western society.

Yoga isn’t just a form of physical exercise, but a spiritual one as well. It helps you calm your mind, focus your breathing, and tame inner turbulence (which can become very draining day after day.)

The actual physical part of yoga, like many forms of exercise, will actually boost your energy. The combination of mind and body work out can make you feel like a brand-new person, and is indeed even recognized as a form of alternative medicine to fight chronic fatigue by the Mayo Clinic.

There’s no need to even join a class (although I love having an instructor) - you can do yoga right at home.

You will need…

-A bit of self-discipline


Forget the trendy part and just try it. There are specific poses that help energize you, such as tree pose, downward dog, and cobra. Some require focus and attentiveness, others are more to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility, but all can help fight fatigue.

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #8 - Love Your Licorice

Licorice root is an herb that I tend to go to when it comes to something like a sore throat, but one of its main constituents (glycyrrhizin) can actually help with fatigue as well, especially fatigue that is associated with less-than-optimal adrenal functioning.

Like ginseng, licorice root can help regulate cortisol levels. It actually helps boost cortisol, which may seem counter intuitive (read the ginseng remedy for a briefing on what cortisol does).

However if you aren’t producing enough of cortisol, your body can sometimes over-produce in an attempt to compensate. This can leave you feeling tired during the day, but laying wide awake and frustrated at night.

Cortisol requires a balance - too much and you’ll be unable to sleep, too little and your rest will also be disrupted.

You will need…

-1 tablespoon of dried licorice root
-1 cup of water
-Honey/lemon to taste


Steep 1 tablespoon of dried licorice root in boiling water, and covered, for 10 minutes. Strain, add honey/lemon to taste, and drink first thing in the morning.

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #9 - More Magnesium

I mention magnesium a lot, but it is an important mineral that we really truly suffer a lack of these days. The body does not produce magnesium on its own – it is up to us (and our diets) to provide this essential nutrient.

The problem is that many diets these days suffer from a lack of good wholesome food. It is a cofactor in 300 plus enzyme systems that regulate a wide variety of biochemical reactions.

Everything from muscle and nerve function, protein synthesis, and energy production require magnesium. The best way to get the proper amount is to eat the right foods rather than take a supplement. Dark leafy greens, nuts, fish, whole grains, and bananas are all rich in magnesium.

You will need…

-Magnesium rich foods OR a high quality supplement


Include a healthy dosage of magnesium rich foods to your everyday diet, or take a high quality supplement. Adults should take no more than 350 mg/day in the form of supplements - while getting more in terms of diet isn’t necessarily harmful, it’s easier to take too much in the form of concentrated supplements.

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #10 - Eat (and drink) good stuff

What is food to us? Why does it matter? It is literally our energy, it’s our fuel. We tend to overlook its importance in today’s society. It’s right at our fingertips all the time, and the old adage “you are what you eat” has faded into the background.

But if we skimp on meals or stuff our diets with sugary drinks and greasy, fatty, food, we won’t run right, or at all. You’ll find yourself feeling worn out and fatigued.

When we eat, our bodies break down the carbohydrates (sugars and starches) which are then broken down again into glucose (blood sugar) and absorbed into the blood stream.

Put simply, glucose is the energy needed for all systems to go, from our brains to our leg muscles to our heart, and everything in between. Now all carbs aren’t good for you - they must be complex carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates are made of long, complex (hence the name), chains of sugar molecules. This is turned into glucose, and gives us energy.

Simple carbohydrates, such as sugar from cakes and cookies, artificial syrup, candy, etc. provide essentially zero value to your body, contribute to weight gain (among other things) and will make you feel not so hot.

These simple carbs have only 1 or 2 sugars and are burned up quickly. You might get a temporary boost in energy as your glucose spikes, but you’ll crash pretty fast. Complex carbs will give you a steady, even, release of energy.

If you’re eating an unhealthy diet, chances are you’re eating bad carbs, and that means you aren’t turning a whole lot of your food into energy-which is likely why you’re fatigued.

Keep in mind the following tips and questions:

Content ratio: The higher the sugar and the lower the fiber the worse the carbohydrate. Use that as a general guideline to indicate which carbs are good or bad.

Know the good from the bad: The word “carbohydrate” has been tossed around a lot, first we hear they are good, then all of a sudden they’re bad for you.

The answer is they are both, but we can easily separate the good from the bad. You need the good, so educate yourself and don’t steer clear of carbs altogether or you’ll get drained.

Fiber, fiber, fiber and more fiber: Foods high in fiber are digested slower than foods with very little fiber, avoiding spikes in blood sugar levels. Examples are whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans.

Is it refined? Is it processed?: Foods like white bread and white rice are stripped of fiber and full of simple carbs. Avoid along with the obvious things like fast food, sugary goodies, soda, etc.

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #11- Nip the Naps (kind of)

Naps are beautiful. There’s nothing like having the luxury of being able to snooze in the middle of the day and wake up feeling refreshed and brand new. It is, actually, healthy to take time for naps to an extent.

They reduce exhaustion, sharpen your working mind, improve your mood, and make you more alert. But they’re also a double edged sword when it comes to being one of your home remedies for or tiredness - have you ever taken a long cat nap and woken up feeling groggy, disoriented, and more exhausted than before?

I know sometimes I get so sucked into a nap I can barely wake myself up and when I do, I probably wouldn’t pass a sobriety test because I am so out of it. It’s the classic “too much of a good thing” scenario.

Your biological clock gets thrown off when you sleep too much, and it messes with your cells energy cycles. This makes you feel tired, groggy, and “sleep drunk.” That drunken feeling is called sleep inertia, and it happens when you wake up abruptly from slow-wave sleep.

Because a nap doesn’t take you through a full sleep cycle, you often times get woken up out of slow wave sleep. This can seriously impact how you function-sleep inertia can take anywhere from 2-4 hours to dissipate. But, there is a proper way to take a nap-you just need a smidgen of self-control.

You will need…

-A cozy place to nap


The brain enters slow wave sleep after roughly 20-30 minutes, so limit your time to a “power nap.” Unless you’re extremely sleep deprived, a 20 minute or so nap should leave you feeling refreshed and awake, not groggy, fatigued, and tempted to go back to sleep. Set aside a time not too close to bed time to treat yourself to an energy boost.

Remedies for Fighting Fatigue #12 - Special Spinach

As cliché as it may sound, Popeye really was onto something with spinach and the energy/strength it gives you. Rich in iron, it can help boost red blood cell count, therefore providing you with more energy and fighting anaemia.

Spinach is also full of magnesium-1 cup of spinach contains 39% of the recommended daily intake for magnesium. Early research shows that it may even improve muscle function during a workout.

You will need…

-At least 1 cup of spinach


Enjoy at least 1 cup of spinach daily, raw or cooked.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn about other remedies for fighting fatigue from Dr. Holly Phillips

Fatigue is a tricky thing because you have to not only figure out what’s causing it, but also be dedicated to overcoming it. This is, of course, made all the more difficult by the fact that you’re exhausted all the time.

One of my favorite sayings is “seeing the obstacle is one thing, getting around it is another.” Remember there are two halves to the battle, and the latter - actually getting around said obstacle-is usually the hardest. Stick with it!

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

16 Remedies for Treating a Common Cold

When you are down with a common cold, symptoms like coughing, sneezing, a sore throat, general congestion and mild fatigue will appear. Here are 16 remedies for treating a common cold that are aimed at easing these symptoms to help keep you comfortable while your stalwart immune system battles the virus away.

Click HERE to Discover the 215+ Home Remedies, NaturalBeauty Recipes & DIY Household Products

The common cold is a virus, or rather, lots of viruses - over 200, to be more specific. As a virus it is not curable, and since there are so many strains there’s not a way to make a vaccine like there is with the flu.

When you catch a cold the virus attaches itself to the mucous membranes of the nose and throat and essentially hijacks the cells that live there, forcing them to replicate more virus cells. It’s all quite sinister really.

When your body tries to fight off the virus the symptoms pop up, like coughing, sneezing, a sore throat, general congestion and mild fatigue. Remedies are aimed at easing these symptoms to help keep you comfortable while your stalwart immune system battles the virus away.

Many of the home remedies for colds listed below can be altered to fit your preferences (e.g. a different essential oil, more or less spiciness in the decongestant, etc. etc.)

There may be some overlap with remedies for a sore throat or a cough, but I try and offer some variety here. Eventually you’ll have your own go-to remedies and recipes.

Treating a Common Cold #1- Hot Ginger Tea

This is one of the best teas to sip when you’re feeling stuffed up and yucky. The ginger is delicious, warming, a just a little spicy.

Aromatic constituents such as capsaicin (found in chilies) or piperine (found in black pepper) are part of a family of compounds that provide numerous healing benefits.

In ginger the compound of that family is called gingerol (original, right?), and it helps relieve congestion in a couple of ways.

First, it lessens inflammation of mucous membranes that line the nasal passages and the sinus cavity, and this inflammation contributes greatly to the build-up of pressure and congestion.

When the swelling goes down, mucous can flow out instead of getting all jammed up. Although slightly less scientific, there’s also the fact that its spiciness has enough of a kick that it can just perfectly loosen up built up phlegm.

The tea itself is wonderful for you because you’re getting extra fluids, which your body needs desperately when fighting off an illness, and breathing in the steam vapors can also help loosen up any congestion you may be expecting.

The below recipe is for an infusion, rather than a decoction (which is when you actively steep the herb in simmering water), but you can do either or.

You will need…

-6-8 tablespoons of freshly grated ginger root
-A pinch of cinnamon (optional)
-A squirt of lemon juice (optional)
-A dash of honey (optional)
-4 cups of freshly boiled water
-A glass jar (at least 1 quart)


Place the ginger in a 1 quart glass and sprinkle in some cinnamon if you are using it. Bring the water to a rolling boil, and then carefully pour it into the jar to cover the ginger.

Steep for 30-40 minutes, and be sure to cover your jar-this is important because it keeps all that evaporating essential oil goodness right where it belongs - in your cup!

Strain (use hot mitts or a towel as the jar may still be quite warm) and then pour yourself a piping fresh mug. You may find that you want to reheat the tea slightly.

Add honey and lemon if you are using them, sip and savor, and be sure to breathe in the steam. Store the rest of the tea in the fridge for up to 24 hours, reheating and drinking 3 times throughout the day.

Treating a Common Cold #2 - Essential Steam

One beautiful almost instant fix for a stuffy nose is to steam it out. This is a favorite remedy of mine and worth repeating in numerous remedy lists. You can glean the benefits of steam by breathing it in from a mug of hot tea, taking a hot shower, or filling a bowl with a hot water and adding an essential oil.

The best essential oils to use for this are the strong ones like tea tree, peppermint, or eucalyptus (tea tree and eucalyptus being the best in my opinion.)

The anti-bacterial/anti-viral properties of tea tree oil can be carried via the steam, which will help fight off any bug that you’re battling. Both tea tree and eucalyptus are, of course, rather strong smelling, which also helps dislodge congestion.

You will need…

-5-10 drops of eucalyptus, tea tree oil, or a combination
-A heatproof bowl
-Boiling water
-A towel


Put the essential oils in the bottom of the bowl and then pour in several cups of boiling water. Start by putting your face over the bowl at a comfortable distance - steam can do some damage if you aren’t careful. Eventually have your face directly about the bowl as close as comfortably possible.  

Drape the towel over your head to trap all that healing steam, and take deep breaths. Resurface as needed if you become too warm. Have some tissues handy to blow your nose after!

Repeat 2-3 times daily, adjusting the amount of essential oil to your preferences. Some people find that too much will make their eyes water, so start with less.

Treating a Common Cold #3 - Go with a Classic Cure

I love old time home remedies - the ones that we don’t need to question on chemical level, picking apart why they work or why they don’t work. They simply are, just as they have been for generations, and just as they will be for years to come.

One of these classic home remedies for colds is comprised of three familiar ingredients – garlic, lemon and honey.

You can combine them in more involved ways if you wish, but this recipe is about as simple as it gets. It’s particularly useful for a cold that is accompanied by a sore throat and a dry cough.

You will need…

-1 medium clove of garlic
-1 lemon
-1 teaspoon of honey
-Warm water


Crush up the garlic clove and place it in a glass along with the juice from the lemon. Top it off with the honey (you can add more to taste if you like) and then top it off with warm water. Give it a stir, and then drink entirely. Repeat 2-3 times a day for the duration of your symptoms.

Treating a Common Cold #4 - Make a Honey-Onion Syrup

This recipe is great for cold that come with a nasty cough. The honey is wonderful for healing a sore throat while the onion works its wonders through antibacterial and anti-inflammatories actions. It can also help loosen up phlegm deep in the chest.

You will need…

-1 red or yellow onion OR 1 head to ½ head of garlic
-Roughly a cup of organic raw honey or roughly a cup OR roughly a half of granulated white sugar or brown sugar*
-A jar or something similar with a tight fitting lid that will comfortably but snugly hold your onion.

*the amounts may vary slightly with the size of container you use*

Why red/yellow onion or garlic: Onion is contains a milder form of some of the active components in garlic, but both strengthen the immune system, work as natural anti-biotics, anti-inflammatories, and expectorants (they loosen up mucous so you can cough it up.)

Why honey: If you have a dry cough, honey is great for soothing itchy and irritated throats. It’s also a natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal wonder ingredient (although hopefully if you have a cough you won’t need the anti-fungal part.)

Why brown sugar/white sugar: A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down right? Besides making this syrup a little easier to swallow, it can help thicken the syrup up a bit.


Slice the onion evenly. Place the base of the onion in your jar, and then pour honey in a layer over it (or cover in a layer of sugar, if that’s your sweetener of choice.) Continue to alternate layering the onion and sweetener.

When you’re finished, cover tightly and let it sit overnight out on the counter, or for 8-12 hours. After it has sat out, there will now be liquid in the jar. Use a spoonful as needed to control your cough (3 spoonful’s an hour, if needed.)

You can use both the honey and brown sugar if you like, just adjust the layering accordingly, and remember that it will be sweeter!

If you choose to use garlic, unlike onion, there is no exact amount to put in. Start with 9-12 cloves or so roughly chopped and find your flavor balance from there. Just remember you shouldn’t use too little; otherwise it won’t work as well.

Directions for kids

If you have a child too young to have honey, don’t despair because every single home cough remedy seems to have honey in it! The above recipe can be safely made for youngsters-just omit the honey and use only the sugar.

Note: This syrup should be used fresh. After you make it, you can store it in the fridge for up to 2 days. After that, just whip up another batch.

Flavor tips

- Red onion lends itself to a slightly milder tasting syrup, and generally goes better with brown sugar (in my opinion) while a regular yellow onion tends to taste a bit stronger, and blends a little more with white sugar.
- Feel free to leave out the sugar and just use honey, or vice versa.
- If onion or garlic sounds scary to you, I promise, it’s so, so, so much better than over-the-counter stuff!

Onion Tip

I get so bleary and teary eyed when I chop onions, I can barely see where I am putting the knife. If already have a bad cough, I really don’t need the stinging eyes, or a missing finger.

To avoid this problem, you can put the onions in the refrigerator before cutting them or you dip the onions in the water while cutting them.

Treating a Common Cold #5 – Mullein

This might be a home remedy that you’re tempted to pass over because you don’t recognize the name of the herb. It’s too much of a bother to try and figure out what the heck mullein is and you’d much rather just go for the apple cider vinegar or something you can pull off the spice rack, right?
While that is nice, the beauty of the internet is that you can get these herbs and other ingredients without having to hunt down an obscure natural health store somewhere across the state border.

Mullein is a biennial (grows every other year) plant that can be found alongside roads in temperate climates, or zones 5-9 in the United States. It is tall, with small yellow flowers and leaves that start out soft and downy.

It is an EXCELLENT expectorant, which means it thins out and loosens up phlegm so you can cough it out. This is very helpful if you have a lot of congestion, particularly in the chest. It works very well when combined with other expectorants, such as thyme, which is added here as well.

You will need…

-1-2 tablespoons of dried mullein OR 4-6 tablespoons fresh (flowers or flowers/leaves)
-2 1/2 teaspoons of dried thyme OR 5 teaspoons fresh
-1-1 ½ cups of fresh water
-Honey/lemon to taste


Place your herbs in a large mug and bring water to a rolling boil. Pour over the herbs and cover, steeping for 15-20 minutes. Strain, stir in honey or lemon if you’re using it, and savor each healing sip. Drink 2-3 times daily to help clear up congestion.

Treating a Common Cold #6 – Make a Simple Syrup

No…not the kind that’s just sugar and water, but truly medicinal healing syrup that is wonderful and tasty and oh-so satisfying to make. Syrups are great for kids as they are much more inclined to take them rather than trying to get them to drink a bitter tea.

Syrups are, actually, just a boiled down extra strong medicinal tea with some honey. They are one of my all-time favorite things to make and are easy to take, even when your throat is aching and you have no appetite.

This particular syrup includes marshmallow root, licorice root, cinnamon, and ginger. Ok so this syrup isn’t the sweetest of examples, but it is effective! 

Marshmallow root and licorice root are infamous for helping soothe racking coughs and sore throats, as they are rich in mucilage which provides a soothing coating for the mucous membranes. Cinnamon and ginger help with congestion, flavor, and pain-relief.

You will need…

-1 tablespoon licorice root
-1 tablespoon marshmallow root
-1 tablespoon ground cinnamon OR 6 cinnamon sticks
-1 tablespoon chopped ginger
-4 cups of water
-1 cup of organic raw honey
-Glass jar with a tightly sealing lid


Mix together the herbs, cinnamon, and ginger and then add it to a saucepan along with 4 cups of cold water. Over low heat simmer the mixture until it has been reduced by half.

Strain the herbs and then pour the liquid back into the pot. Over the lowest level of heat stir in the honey and let it sit, bubbling gently, for 10 minutes.

Remove from the heat and bottle, being sure to label the date you made the batch on. Take a maximum of 1-2 tablespoons 3 times daily for relief from coughing, sore throat, and congestion. In the refrigerator this will last for 3-4 weeks.

Treating a Common Cold #7 – Make Your Own Healing Inhaler

DIY inhalers may sound a little…sketchy, but I love them. They’ve saved my tush on more than one occasion when I got bogged down with a bad cold, and they are a fabulous way to utilize essential oils.

They also allow you to bring the benefits of your essential oils pretty much everywhere you go. This cold and flu inhaler is perfect when traveling or for use at home.

For Adults

You will need…

-1 blank inhaler
-5-7 drops of Eucalyptus
-4 drops of Black Spruce
-5 drops of Tea Tree
-2 drops of Lavender
-1 drop of Lime

For Children (Over 5 Years of Age)

You will need…

-1 drop of eucalyptus
-2 drops of black spruce
-4 drops of tea tree
-2 drops of lavender
-1 drop of lemon or lime

Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus does an incredible job at really opening up your sinuses and clearing out any congestion. It’s a lifesaver with anything “stuffy.”

Black Spruce: The wonderful aroma of black spruce will also open up your sinuses, and is one of the best antispasmodic essential oils out there (meaning it will really calm down a cough.) if you have a cough in which you are coughing up mucous or phlegm, do not suppress it.

Tea Tree: The antimicrobial master of essential oils (well maybe not there is no “master” oil, but it’s still pretty incredible.) When you inhale the tea tree oil you inhale the airborne particles that will help actively wipe out the germs that are making your sick.

Lavender (add at night): Use the soothing lavender if you want to use this inhaler to help you sleep, and it’s wonderful, soothing aroma will help you drift off and make it through the night.

Lime: Lime essential oil helps boost your immune system by increasing white blood cell production.

Substitutes: Pine needle or fir for black spruce, mandarin or lemon for lime. You can use these substitutes if you happen to be missing one of the other and have these on hand.


There are 2 ways to go about setting up your inhaler. The first is to pre-mix your oils in a small, narrow, glass bottle. You can then insert the cotton and allow it to soak up the oils. The problem with this method is that you will leave some oil behind.

The other method is to drop the oils directly onto the cotton after you place it inside the inhaler. They come out fast, so go slowly and carefully-an extra drop or two isn’t a big deal! After you cap the inhaler swirl it around to pick up any oil that may have stuck to the sides.

To use, hold the inhaler up to one nostril, plugging the other with your finger. Take 1 deep breath in and remove the inhaler before breathing out. Repeat with the other nostril.

Use every 4 hours as needed for acute flue and cold symptoms. If you use your inhaler once a day it will last anywhere from 3-6 months. The shelf life is up to 1 year, but if left out in heat, uncapped, or in direct light, you may notice the potency goes downs.

Treating a Common Cold #8 – Chest Salve

There’s a good recipe for making your own vapor rub here, but this simple blend can be whipped up in a hurry if you’re running short on time, ingredients, or just feel to crummy to do anything else.

While I prefer the former recipe, this works well if you just want a little something to use in conjunction with a hot water bottle.

The menthol in the essential oil is what creates the cooling sensation that makes you feel like you can breathe easier, even when you’re all stuffed up.

You will need…

-1/2 cup of coconut oil
-15 drops of peppermint essential oil
-An airtight container


Over a double boiler, melt down the coconut oil. Remove from the heat and pour it into a heat safe airtight container. Add the essential oils, stir, and seal off while it cools.

Once it has completely cooled, simply rub a little on your chest or under your nose (be careful not touch your eyes-I have rubbed peppermint essential oil in my eye before and it is not pleasant!) This will keep in a cool dark place out of direct sunlight up to 3 years.

Treating a Common Cold #9 – Loosen Up With Heat

A good old fashioned hot water bottle can help loosen phlegm and really deep congestion in the chest. The gentle steady warmth will loosen up your muscles, and soften up the phlegm to help it come up.

It’s a very simple, non-invasive home remedy that is very soothing. If you like, you can rub a little of the above salve on your chest to increase effectiveness.

You will need…

-A hot water bottle
-A piece of soft flannel or similar fabric


I am very particular about how I fill my hot water bottles - you don’t have to be as meticulous, but I’ll share my favorite method anyways.

Start with hot water (it doesn’t have to be steaming hot - whatever your comfort level is really) and fill the bottle half-way. “Burp” it to get the air out, and then continue filling almost to the top, leaving 1-2 inches of space at the top. It shouldn’t be a hot hard lump; it should be a little squishy.

This way it rests easily across whatever surface you’re laying it on, and I find it more comfortable. Wrap it in a thin piece of flannel or something similar (I often find towels much too thick) and lay it on your back between your shoulder blades.

You can also rest it on your chest if you prefer. Try keeping your head a little propped up if you have a really stuffed up nose. Who knew hot water bottles could be so involved?

Treating a Common Cold #10 – Sinus Clearing Bath Salt

No, I am not referring to an illicit drug. Making up a blend of scented bath salt is a wonderful way to ease a tired, sick, body and clear up congestion.

It’s the perfect thing you need when you’re trying to get over a nasty cold, especially if you happen to be stricken during the frigid winter months. The aromatherapy combined with the relaxing warmth of the bath just can’t be beat!

This recipe calls for a simple combination of classic cold-curing essential oils, but you can mix and match and come up with your own personal favorite blend.

You will need…

-1 cup of Epsom salt
-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
-3 drop of peppermint essential oil
-3 drops of lavender essential oil
-A small dish for blending
-A glass airtight container, or a PET plastic one


Pour the salt into your container and, in a different dish, blend the essential oils. Add the oils to the salt and stir thoroughly with a spoon. When taking a bath fill the tub half way, add 2-3 tablespoons of salt, and fill it up the rest of the way. Breathe deeply and relax!

Treating a Common Cold #11 – Make It Hot

If you’re someone who can take the heat of hot peppers, munching on one is a temporary way to take out congestion fast. The constituent in peppers that makes them spicy is called capsaicin and, in addition to numerous other benefits, it can help loosen up mucous so you can expel it.

Of course there’s also the fact that something about the spiciness just seems to knock it out, natural expectorant abilities or not.

You will need…

-1 hot pepper


Fairly straightforward-take a bite of the pepper, or just eat some spicy foods. Consuming a spicy broth is also wonderful, as you get the fluids, the heat and steam, AND the expectorant actions.

Treating a Common Cold #12 – Sore Throat Gargle

To help clear up a sore throat, gargle with a mixture of sage, apple cider vinegar, and salt.

The salt, through that magical force we call osmosis, will draw excess fluid out of the tissues in your throat that has been causing uncomfortable swelling.

The apple cider vinegar may help to kill off the bug, but even if it doesn’t, it still seems to help with the pain.
Sage is a wonderful herb when it comes to colds. It is astringent, which means it will also help draw excess fluid out of tissues, and anti-bacterial. The amount of sage used results in a very concentrated tea-it isn’t the tastiest infusion, but it is good at its job.

You will need…

-1 cup of apple cider vinegar
-4 tablespoons of dried sage or 8 tablespoons fresh
-1 teaspoon of salt
-1 cup of water
-A glass jar with a tightly fitting lid (should hold 2 cups of liquid.)


Place sage leaves at the bottom of a mug and cover with 1 cup of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes, covered. While the sage steeps, pour 1 cup of apple cider vinegar into your jar and sprinkle in the salt.

When fully infused, strain the sage tea and add into the apple cider vinegar. Gargle a mouthful at least 3 times daily for pain relief. Keep in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Treating a Common Cold #13 – Rock on With Radish

Just a plain ‘ol spicy radish will do the trick here. This delightfully crisp, spicy vegetable is both anti-septic and full of vitamins and minerals.

While horseradish is the more powerful decongestant, regular garden radish works just as well for some people-especially those who are sensitive to spice.

If you find yourself feeling stuffed up, eat a couple of these little gems and you may be pleasantly surprised to find yourself clearing up in no time.

You will need…

-2-3 radishes


Eat 2-3 radishes twice daily to help with congestion. I like to keep mine in the refrigerator at all times so they are extra cool and crispy and go down easily.

Treating a Common Cold #14 – Less-Involved Elderberry Syrup

There is a more involved version of elderberry syrup in the Everyday Roots Book that I absolutely love, but sometimes you just need a simple version.

Sometimes the list of ingredients and the process can deter people, but it really is a lovely remedy-and delicious to boot.

Elderberry is great for anything cold related, as it lessens inflammation of the mucous membranes, allowing you to breathe better and relieving congestion.

It can shorten the duration of the cold, and potentially keep your immune system in better shape should another bug try to strike while you’re down.

The mucilage constituent may also help with a sore throat that’s been ravaged by coughs or one that’s just downright painful.

Be sure to only use what is commonly called black elderberry (Sambucus nigra), as other members of the family can be toxic. Do not eat raw elderberries in any form.

You will need…

-a generous 1/2 cup of dried elderberries
-3 cups of water
-A generous 1 cup of honey
-Mason jar


Put your berries and water in the saucepan and bring the water to a boil. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for 50 minutes. Strain the liquid through a strainer, making sure to use the back of a spoon the push any extra liquid out of the berries.

Add one heaping cup of raw honey to the liquid once it has cooled to roughly room temperature and stir until it is combined thoroughly. Bottle and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

Take 1 tablespoon daily to prevent illness for adults and 1 teaspoon daily to children old enough to safely have honey. If you have a cold, take the dosing every 3-4 hours until recovery.

Treating a Common Cold #15 – You’re Golden

Goldenseal grows wild in the damp mountainous regions of North America, where the ground is covered in dead leaves that feed the rich soil it plants its roots in.

Native American’s prized goldenseal, and would mix it with bear fat to use as insect repellant, or make it into a lotion of sorts for wounds or even sore eyes.

An astringent and antibacterial herb, it is also wonderful at working on the mucous membranes, which are obviously adversely affected when it comes to the common cold.

It’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties are most likely contributed by its isoqinoline alkaloids (berbine*, canadine, and hydrastine.)

In a very broad sense, the isoqinoline simply refers to the structural backbone of the alkaloids, which are nitrogen-based organic compounds found in the plant.

Sadly, goldenseal has been extremely over-harvested, so do get yours from a sustainable reputable source.

*Berbine can stimulate contractions, so do not take goldenseal in any form if you are pregnant.

You will need…

-1 cup of fresh water
-2 teaspoons of dried goldenseal
-Honey or lemon to taste


Place the goldenseal in a mug and cover with fresh boiling water. Steep, and then covered, for about 10 to15 minutes. Stir in honey and lemon to taste, and drink 2-3 times daily.

Treating a Common Cold #16 – Rub it Out

Acupressure is a wonderful way to relieve discomfort for a number of ailments, and colds are no exceptions.

If you are experiencing sinus pressure or discomfort with your cold, there are three main pressure points that you can utilize to relieve the pressure and release congestion.

Your sinus cavities are mucosa lined air filled pockets located within the bones of the face and skull. Each one opens into a corresponding nasal meatus (aka, nasal passage.) There is the superior meatus, middle meatus, and inferior meatus.

When your sinuses fill up with mucous and become inflamed, not only is breathing obstructed, you will also have a face full of pressure and pain.

By triggering the right pressure points, you can open up the blocked sinus cavities and open up your nasal passages, relieving pressure and releasing blocked congestion.

B2: B2 is on the bladder meridian, and will affect your frontal sinuses, which are located behind the brow ridges. This point itself is located in the indents of your upper eye sockets, on either side of the bridge of your nose where it meets the ridge of your eyebrows.

Rest your index fingers alongside your nose with the tips in the indents, and gradually apply pressure, holding the points for 2-3 minutes. Towards the end, gradually lighten the pressure. Breathe deeply.

LI20: LI20, or large intestine 20, will open up and relieve the maxillary sinuses. The maxillary sinuses are the largest, and are typically what you think of when you think of sinus pressure.

The point is located underneath your eyes, just beneath the cheekbones. You will find if you press up there will be a little indent that may or may not feel a little tender.

A gentle pressure is all that is needed here. Hold the points for 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing the pressure, and lightning it at the end. Breathe deeply.

St3: St3, or stomach 3, also relieves the maxillary sinuses. The points are located just a little bit further out and a tad below LI20.

You can apply pressure to St3 at the same time as LI20, which can sometimes have a greater effect. Also hold the points for 2-3 minutes, gradually increasing pressure and then decreasing it at the end. Breathe deeply.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn about other home remedies for treating a common cold

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

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