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Showing posts with label healthy supper snacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy supper snacks. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

How to Create Healthy Homemade Snacks with Lemons?


One whole lemon is only 12 to 20 calories, yet provides our bodies with nearly all of our daily vitamin C requirements. Vitamin C among other things, builds collagen in the body. Collagen is essential for smoothing out wrinkles and lines in the face. Here is how to create healthy homemade snacks with lemons.

Click HERE to Get These Super Healthy Sweet Treats & Dessert Recipes

Improve Your Health and Your Disposition with Lemons

The lovely little yellow lemon is packed with flavor but thankfully not with calories.

One whole lemon is only 12 to 20 calories, yet provides our bodies with nearly all of our daily vitamin C requirements.

Vitamin C among other things, builds collagen in the body. Collagen is essential for smoothing out wrinkles and lines in the face.

But, lemons are way more than flavor and vitamin C. They are a real powerhouse of antioxidants known as flavonoids that help reduce the risk of heart diseaseinflammation and even have the ability to fight certain cancers.

Flavonoids help to locate and eliminate potentially harmful particles called free radicals that could otherwise damage the body’s cells and DNA. Additionally, lemons help to improve cholesterol levelslower blood pressure and relieve heartburnThey provide both antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

This small but powerful superfood not only provides us with Vitamin C, but also provides many B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and fiber. When enjoyed with foods high in iron (such as leafy greens) they can help the body to absorb it.

Even though lemons themselves (before you eat them) are acidic in nature, they actually work to keep your body alkaline – a healthy pH level. They also boost the immune system and benefit the digestive system and are known to help with weight loss because the fiber they provide is pectin and studies have shown that pectin reduces hunger cravings (because it helps us to feel fuller longer.)

Like most fruits and vegetables, the whole fruit is what provides full health benefits…so don’t be afraid of using the peel (where most of the vitamin C is found.)

Although the big punch of vitamin C is located in the peel of the lemon, all of it can and should be used…juice it, zest the peel, or use the lemony flesh in any dish that requires a bit of brightening up. Citrus enhances both savory and sweet dishes.

Don’t be duped into buying pre-squeezed lemon juice. Go for the real thing if you really want to benefit from this little yellow jewel. When buying fresh lemons choose the ones that are fully yellow and if possible go organic. Any green left on the lemon means that it has not yet ripened fully.

Avoid lemons that are wrinkled, dull in appearance or excessively hard. Most people are not aware that you can even freeze citrus whole…including lemons. So, there really is no reason to not have fresh lemons at your fingertips. It’s always best to go fresh but this works in a pinch.

Although drinking lemon water has been a mild trend for a while now, this trend is growing rapidly as more and more people discover the exceptional benefits that lemon water provides. Best when used in warm water and perfect as your morning “stimulant.” It’s great for flushing out toxins and preventing constipation.

In a recent study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, “regularly consuming vitamin C led to younger-looking skin with less wrinkles.” How’s that for a benefit?

Even the scent of lemons is pleasant to most people and has been found to improve moods as well as decrease stress levels.

Want to create healthy homemade snacks with lemons? Watch this video – Easy Healthy Lemon Bars (5 ingredients!)

So, what are you waiting for? The next time life hands you lemons, make lemon juice!

Looking for some exciting dessert and treat recipes using lemons that actually contribute to your health? Are ready to take your traditional desserts and turn them into “life giving” desserts?  “50 Desserts with Hidden Veggies is your answser. In it you will discover no bake, Paleo friendly, no sugar, gluten free healthy sweet treat and dessert recipes… It’s time to make every bit count!

Author Bio:

Carolyn Hansen is the author of The Blended Bites Healthy Snack and Dessert Recipe Collection. This is a one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day. And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.

You can NOW satisfy your snack urge without any negative impact on your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove. These easy-to-prepare snacks contain no sugar, no flour or butter and are paleo friendly.

So, if you want to get your hands on recipes for desserts and snacks that you will not need to feel guilty about eating the next time you have a craving for something delicious, be sure to check out Carolyn Hansen’s books at Blended Bites, where she will show you how to take control of your blender and churn out mouth-watering desserts and snacks that will have the kids in your neighborhood lined up around the block for a sample.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Why Raw Cacao is a Super Ingredient Choice for Creating Healthy Snacks?


Why raw cacao is a super ingredient choice for creating healthy snacks? Raw cacao is a brain food because it contributes to cognitive function and the flow of blood to the brain – it improves heart health, stress and cholesterol levels and reduces inflammation. It is perfect for desserts, smoothies and even makes the cross-over easily to savory dishes.

Click HERE to Get These Super Healthy Sweet Treats & Dessert Recipes

Raw Cacao – A Rich Source of Nutrients and a Powerhouse of Antioxidants

The cacao bean is the source of both cacao powder and cocoa powder. However, if you are looking for the purest form of chocolate you can consume packed with the most nutrients, raw cacao is your answer.

Cacao powder has been enjoyed for centuries in the kitchen and as a health aide. It is believed to be the highest source of antioxidants of all foods and the highest source of magnesium of all foods – it even trumps dark chocolate when it comes to antioxidants provided offering 300 different chemical compounds with nearly 4 times the antioxidant power of dark chocolate.

Cacao powder is also considered brain food because it contributes to cognitive function and the flow of blood to the brain – it improves heart healthstress and cholesterol levels and reduces inflammation. It is perfect for dessertssmoothies and even makes the cross-over easily to savory dishes.

Cacao beans grow in cacao pods on the fruit tree known as “Theobroma Cacao.” When the pods are cracked open the cacao bean is released. The bean is then harvested, fermented (not always) and dried.

Cacao and cocoa powder are not the same

In cacao powder the bean is still in its raw state – uncooked, unprocessed and additive free. It is unadulterated and is not as processed as traditional cocoa powder. It is processed by cold-pressing (pressing the oil/cocoa butter out) unroasted cocoa beans which removes the fat but keeps the living enzymes active.

Cocoa powder on the other hand has been roasted at high temperatures which changes the molecular structure of the bean and reduces the enzyme activity lowering the nutritional value.

The fattest part of the cacao fruit is the cacao butter that lines the inside of the cacao bean. Offering a rich, buttery texture similar in taste and texture to white chocolate.

Cacao powder is what remains of the fruit once the cacao butter is cold-pressed removed. It is the most important ingredient for making chocolate. An excellent source of nutrientsoffering monounsaturated fats and cholesterol-free saturated fats. It also offers a wealth of vitamins, minerals, fiber, natural carbohydrates and protein.

Cacao nibs are cacao beans that have been chopped into edible pieces similar to chocolate chips but with no added sugars or fats. They do contain the same wealth of nutrients, fiber and fat you find in cacao beans. Nibs are just small bits of fermented, roasted, dried and crushed cacao bean. Offering an intense, non-sweet, chocolaty taste, they are very good for your health.

Cacao nibs and cacao powder are becoming a healthy cook’s best friend and are showing up everywhere.

The versatility of cacao nibs is one reason for their recent popularity. Similar to a macadamia nut in texture, cacao nibs are crunchy yet tender. If chocolate is already a favorite treat of yours, then you’ll likely fall in love with cacao nibs – even if their somewhat “bitter” taste takes a bit of getting used to.

They are perfect as is just sprinkled on your favorite gluten and sugar free cupcakes or mixed into your favorite homemade granola.

Consider creating healthy snacks using raw cacao? Watch this video – Deliciously Ella – Cacao & Almond Energy Balls

Ready to take your traditional desserts and turn them into “life giving” desserts? “50 Desserts with Hidden Veggies was written with you in mind.  In it you will discover no bake, Paleo friendly, no sugar, gluten free healthy sweet treat and dessert recipes…

Isn’t it time to make every bite you take count!

Author Bio:

Carolyn Hansen is the author of The Blended Bites Healthy Snack and Dessert Recipe Collection. This is a one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day. And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.

You can NOW satisfy your snack urge without any negative impact on your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove. These easy-to-prepare snacks contain no sugar, no flour or butter and are paleo friendly.

So, if you want to get your hands on recipes for desserts and snacks that you will not need to feel guilty about eating the next time you have a craving for something delicious, be sure to check out Carolyn Hansen’s books at Blended Bites, where she will show you how to take control of your blender and churn out mouth-watering desserts and snacks that will have the kids in your neighborhood lined up around the block for a sample.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

What are the Good Fats You Can Use for Preparing Healthy No Bake Desserts?


What are the good fats you can use for preparing healthy no bake desserts? They are monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids and some saturated fats (like those found in coconut oil).

Click HERE to Get These Super Healthy Sweet Treats & Dessert Recipes

Choosing Healthy Fats – Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

Although nutritionists and doctors alike have been preaching the benefits of a low-fat diet as one of the keys to managing cholesterollosing weight and preventing future health issues, it’s really more about what types of fat you eat…not the amount.

Bad fats such as trans-fats and saturated fats have given a bad name to all fats but fat isn’t always the bad guy when it comes to disease and weight gain.

Truth is, eating fat can be heart-healthy when you pick the right fat. In fact, in order for your body to function at peak performance, your body needs some fat…the healthy kind. If you try and avoid all fat you risk not getting enough fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids.

To truly understand the difference between good and bad fats it’s important to know the major types of fats we’re dealing with.

Bad Fats include:


Trans-fats and some saturated fats are bad because they increase the risk of disease and elevate cholesterol levels and play havoc with your weight. Good fats on the other hand protect your heart and your overall health.

In fact, good fats like omega-3 fats (fish is by far the best source of omega-3 fatty acids) are essential to your body physically, mentally and emotionally. Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fat and are proving to be especially beneficial. Getting more omega-3’s in your diet can help to sharpen memory, protect against dementia, balance mood and battle fatigue.

Healthy fats are far more satiating than refined and processed carbohydrates and a healthy diet should include at least 50-70 percent healthy fats.

Healthy fats do not include things like vegetable oils that are often marketed as being “healthy.” These man-made, refined and processed vegetable oils they want to label as “healthy” are actually loaded with unhealthy omega 6-fats that mess with your fat storing-fat burning hormones.

Fructose along with the wrong types of carbohydrates such as grains (that break down into sugar once in the body) lead to weight gain and eventually obesity. Other conditions such as weight-loss resistance are also the result of eating the wrong types of carbohydrates. The key is to begin replacing grains, sugars and lost carbohydrates with healthy fats.

Healthy Fats

Healthier dietary fat includes:

  • Monounsaturated fats
  • Polyunsaturated fats
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (a type of polyunsaturated fat)
  • Some saturated fats (like those found in coconut oil)

There are many readily available sources of healthy fats that you can include in your diet, here’s a few examples:

  • Olives and olive oil – Not for high temperature cooking but perfect for cold dishes
  • Coconuts – All forms of coconut…shredded, dried, fresh and flour for cooking and baking. Coconut oil or butter is good for high temperature cooking
  • Avocados
  • Butter – From grass fed cows
  • Raw nuts – All raw nuts not roasted
  • Seeds – Chia, flaxseed, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds
  • Eggs – Free range
  • Meat – Grass fed

When focusing on replacing bad fats with healthy ones, a good place to start is to eliminate the trans-fats in your diet because no amount of trans-fats is healthy. They all contribute to major health issues ranging from heart disease to cancer.

The answer is not cutting fat out of our diets…it’s learning to make wise healthy choices in regards to which fats we eat as we begin replacing bad damaging fats that are currently in our diets with ones that promote health and well-being.

It’s time to take your traditional desserts and turn them into “life giving” desserts.

Watch this video to learn how to create healthy no bake desserts using good fats – Chia Seed Energy Bars: No-bake power packs for pre/post-workout

Grab my “50 Desserts with Hidden Veggies. “  In it you will discover no bake, Paleo friendly, no sugar, gluten free healthy sweet treat and dessert recipes that use only healthy life giving fats.

Author Bio:

Carolyn Hansen is the author of The Blended Bites Healthy Snack and Dessert Recipe Collection. This is a one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day. And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.

You can NOW satisfy your snack urge without any negative impact on your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove. These easy-to-prepare snacks contain no sugar, no flour or butter and are paleo friendly.

So, if you want to get your hands on recipes for desserts and snacks that you will not need to feel guilty about eating the next time you have a craving for something delicious, be sure to check out Carolyn Hansen’s books at Blended Bites, where she will show you how to take control of your blender and churn out mouth-watering desserts and snacks that will have the kids in your neighborhood lined up around the block for a sample.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

What You Need for Creating Delicious Raw Food Dishes?


Let’s look at the primary, mandatory tools used in the modern kitchen that support raw food enthusiasts and help them in creating delicious raw food dishes without the need of an oven.

Click HERE to Get These Super Healthy Sweet Treats & Dessert Recipes

Mandatory Kitchen Tools for the Raw Food Enthusiast

When our ancestors transitioned into eating cooked foods the tools they used to create their dishes transitioned with them.

Today, as more and more people opt to focus their diet on primarily raw foods, we are experiencing the same thing in reverse. The tools and utensils needed to create delicious raw food dishes have also transitioned.

Truth is, when it comes to experiencing success with raw food preparation, the proper tools make all the difference.

Let’s look at the primary, mandatory tools used in the modern kitchen that support raw food enthusiasts and help them create delicious, tempting dishes without the need of an oven.

Blender: Powerful, high speed blenders along with food processors may be the most important kitchen appliance for the raw food enthusiast. Because of demand, there has been an explosion of these kinds of machines which in turn has caused their prices to drop.

This allows more individuals to join in and take advantage of this new healthy raw food trend. Raw whole juices are just one of the healthy items you can churn out using this tool. You’ll enjoy smoother, more refined juices, sauces and smoothies.

Food Processor: This tool is perfect for shredded vegetables, creating raw food plates and raw food desserts. You can create crackers, cookies, and breads using a high powered food processor.

They come in every price range and even offer a mini-size that’s perfect for one or two people. The better ones come equipped with slicing and grating attachments so don’t be afraid to experiment.

Dehydrator: Like the high speed blender, this is a must have in any raw food enthusiast’s kitchen. Perfect for hydrating fresh fruits and vegetables, granola’s and seed crackers.

They also work to heat food just enough to soften the texture and are perfect for creating different tastes. The best buys are the ones that come equipped with non-stick pads that lay over the mesh trays. This makes dehydrating easy and quick to clean up.

Spice Grinder: Seeds such as flax seed are common ingredients for raw food enthusiasts but these little seed wonders do not release their goodness to us unless ground up first and the spice grinder does the job perfectly.

Additionally, fresh spices are a very important ingredient in raw foods and a spice grinder is the perfect tool to grind up and make use of these food enhancing flavors that also offer a wealth of antioxidants.

Mandolin and or Spiralizer: These kitchen tools turn vegetables such as Zucchini into long curly noodles, fancy garnishes, and salad toppings. The benefits are obvious…they get more fresh veggies into our bodies.

Opt for one that offers different size pasta settings such as spaghetti or angel hair. You can also employ the spiralizer to create thin ravioli wrappers from sliced vegetables such as beets. You are only limited to your own imagination with this machine.

Juicer: Creating delicious juice from the variety of veggies that Mother Earth has provided us requires power also. Make sure to choose a juicer that offers different speeds and is super easy with clean up. If it’s hard to clean up after you are done you’ll likely be reluctant to use it in the future.

One last thing to keep in mind is the quality of the machines you are purchasing. Bear in mind that if you are switching over to a total raw food diet that your blender (and other appliances) will get lots of work daily.  You’d be wise to purchase the most powerful machine you can from the get-go to experience the best results with pureeing your fruits and veggies.

Not only will it do a better job for you but you won’t have to replace it very couple of years like you would with a cheaper model. Leave the cheaper models on the table and opt for one that has a long warranty such as 7 or 8 years.

If budget is a concern for you, there are options such as Amazon or Ebay. Look for a nearly new “used” machine or one that has been reconditioned that still comes with a warranty. In this new day and age of the Internet there is truly something available for everyone’s budget.

Now that we have your kitchen properly equipped for raw food success it’s time make use of them by getting as many healthy, nutrient rich vegetables into your diet as possible and that includes dessert.

Watch this video to get more ideas for creating delicious raw food dishes – 5 Fully Raw Best / Easy Vegan Recipes for Beginners

Discover no bake, Paleo friendly, no sugar, gluten free healthy sweet treat and dessert recipes that incorporate a wide variety of healthy vegetables… 50 Desserts with Hidden Veggies. ” 

Author Bio:

Carolyn Hansen is the author of The Blended Bites Healthy Snack and Dessert Recipe Collection. This is a one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day. And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.

You can NOW satisfy your snack urge without any negative impact on your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove. These easy-to-prepare snacks contain no sugar, no flour or butter and are paleo friendly.

So, if you want to get your hands on recipes for desserts and snacks that you will not need to feel guilty about eating the next time you have a craving for something delicious, be sure to check out Carolyn Hansen’s books at Blended Bites, where she will show you how to take control of your blender and churn out mouth-watering desserts and snacks that will have the kids in your neighborhood lined up around the block for a sample.

A Sugar and Gluten Free Dessert Recipe – Ginger Carrot Protein Bites


Here’s a yummy white flour, sugar and gluten free dessert recipe that squeezes in the added nutrition of carrots (along with all the other great ingredients) to bring it to another level. Take these along in your lunch box for a super snack lift throughout your day.

Click HERE to Get These Super Healthy Sweet Treats & Dessert Recipes

Enjoy These Ginger Carrot Protein Bites Anywhere

Without a doubt, vegetables boost the nutrient density of any meal or snack they are invited to.

They are perfect in salads and mandatory as side-dishes and are the perfect finger food snack item adding texture, tastecolor and flavor wherever or however they appear.

They can be sweet or tangy, soft or crunchy, dressed up or plain, mixed with sauces or shining on their own and nature seems to have provided us with an endless variety to choose from.

But their beauty and benefits don’t stop in the savory department. These colorful, sometimes exotic foods are broad in spectrum and serve us equally well when included in desserts and treats.

Sweet and Savory Friendly

Truth is veggies are the workhorses of the food kingdom transitioning between savory and sweet dishes without an issue.

They are true multitaskers, sometimes appearing in a starring roles and other times in more subtle supportive roles but always making their presence known –  adding flavor, texture and color.

Potatoes, for example were a favorite ingredient at one time for adding moisture to many cakes – particularly good in chocolate cakes. They provided the moisture needed without adding density keeping the cakes light and fluffy.

Carrots have been used in desserts as a sweet substitute for a very long time because of their natural sweetness. They also add both moisture and texture to your dishes and were favored in tough times when other sweeteners were too expensive or difficult to obtain.

The many variations of carrot cake that have been handed down over the years are still family favorites in many households and is not only a great way to get children to enjoy their veggies but to see firsthand the versatility of them.

Zucchini, because of its moisture and relatively subtle flavor is another favored veggie when it comes to making a “carrot like bread.” Zucchini bread is just as moist and delicious as it’s more orange relative.

For the most part, veggies are dense in nutrients and light in calories. There are exceptions of course.

Bottom line is this: There are plenty of ways to keep your taste buds happy and satisfied without adding a ton of unneeded calories to your desserts and treats. All it takes is an open mind and willingness to try new things with old ingredients.

It’s time to add exciting new ingredients to your old worn out dessert recipes and turn that otherwise unhealthy dessert into something that actually contributes to your health.

Here’s a yummy white flour, sugar and gluten free dessert recipe that squeezes in the added nutrition of carrots (along with all the other great ingredients) to bring it to another level. Take these along in your lunch box for a super snack lift throughout your day.


  • 1 cup walnuts
    1 carrot (or one cup) grated
    1 cup dates, soaked at least 30 minutes and drained
    1 cup desiccated coconut
    1 tablespoon fresh ginger (finely chopped or minced)
    ¼ cup coconut oil, warmed until melted
    ½ teaspoon nutmeg
    ½ teaspoon cinnamon
    1 scoop protein powder (optional)
    ¼ – ½ cup hemp hearts (seeds) or more desiccated coconut to roll balls in

Place walnuts in food processor and process until they resemble breadcrumbs.
Add dates and other ingredients and process until mixture is well combined but still a little chunky.

Shape into small 1” balls and roll in hemp hearts or coconut.

Store in fridge.

Want to have another sugar and gluten free dessert recipe? Watch this video – Lemon Dessert No Bake Weight Loss Recipe (Sugar-Free & Gluten-Free) Protein Treats by Nutracelle

Ready to take your traditional type desserts and turn them into “life giving” desserts? Grab my “50 Desserts with Hidden Veggies. “  In it you will discover no bake, Paleo friendly, no sugar, gluten free, healthy sweet treat and dessert recipes…

It’s time to make every bite you take count!

Author Bio:

Carolyn Hansen is the author of The Blended Bites Healthy Snack and Dessert Recipe Collection. This is a one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day. And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.

You can NOW satisfy your snack urge without any negative impact on your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove. These easy-to-prepare snacks contain no sugar, no flour or butter and are paleo friendly.

So, if you want to get your hands on recipes for desserts and snacks that you will not need to feel guilty about eating the next time you have a craving for something delicious, be sure to check out Carolyn Hansen’s books at Blended Bites, where she will show you how to take control of your blender and churn out mouth-watering desserts and snacks that will have the kids in your neighborhood lined up around the block for a sample.

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